Klaus Schwab World Economic Forum The Great Reset WeForum

Destroying the Corporatist-Globalist Syndicate

If you were to talk about the nature of the World Economic Forum and its initiatives over the past decade in real terms, you’d probably be labeled a conspiracy theorist. This is one of the most popular smears around today when anyone attempts to put their finger on the most significant problem facing the world today.

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Klaus Schwab World Economic Forum The Great Reset WeForum

The Great Reset Should Scare Us All

Is America at war? The short answer is, “Yes, we are.” Who exactly are we fighting? It might feel like Democrats vs. Republicans, but it is not. There is a much bigger threat to you than your neighbor who has a different political view. This enemy does not care to which party you belong.

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ReOpenNH - Free People make their own Risk Assessments

Every Authoritarian Movement Needs a Scapegoat

Every authoritarian movement, including this current medical surveillance police statist movement, needs a scapegoat to keep us afraid. The scapegoat of our time might be those of us who peacefully refuse and resist mandatory masking or shielding.

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