I stand with Liberty mug

Countering the Woke Offensive

Did someone recently flip a switch? It seems as though Wokeism, the Great Reset, ESG, DEI, and an assortment of other radical left-wing positions have just taken over. It is in the movies, media, sports, finance, retail businesses, and even in the beer industry.

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Wokism: The Latest Critical Theory

Marx and Engels wrote the Communist Manifesto in the mid-to-late 19th century, foretelling the coming revolution of the working class over the bourgeoisie— the capital elite. In the 20th century, the critical theory of the times was feminism, the rise of women and their championing of their own rights in the workplace, in professional life, and in public life.

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JohnnyB headshot

Fake News for the Week (8/15-8/20)

Hollywood Updates Insensitive Movie Titles Hollywood is usually the first to speak up for the rights of the underprivileged, who also happen to never live in Hollywood. The Screen Actors Guild along with the Harvey Weinstein Foundation have teamed up to bring classic movie titles, once perfectly acceptable in lights on the marquee, into the … Read more

Governor Groomer Chris Sununu

Groomers Part 2: Power Structures

“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.”  -Voltaire In part 1 of this series, we looked at the common method groomers use to ensnare their victims from identifying and personalizing to love bombing and ultimately enslaving. We discussed the main organizations and individuals who use them … Read more

JP Spears Wokeness

The Evolution of “Woke”

by Skip

He may be an acquired taste but J.P. Sears has a very laid-back way of presenting his unique sense of political satire and this time, he lets the rest of us know how he defines it. Dictionary.com has its definition.

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