handgun pixaby

A Cooling-Off Period for Laws

In some states, you still have to wait several days to pick up a firearm after you’ve bought it from a dealer.  The idea is that you might need a ‘cooling-off period’, if you were considering using the firearm in some illegal way — to commit a robbery, to confront an ex-spouse, and so on. … Read more

Firearm ammunition Photo by Thomas Def on Unsplash

Vermont Democrats Keep Coming for Your Guns. House Passes 30-Day Waiting Period, and Gun Ban in Hospitals

We’ve been documenting Vermont’s Democrat decline for years. More taxes, more regulations, anti-cop, pro-illegal immigrant, and yes, firearms limitations.

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American constitution, USA flag and a handgun

NH House Advances Waiting Period to Purchase Firearms

The gun-grabbers in the New Hampshire legislature have advanced a compromise bill. That’s what they’d call it. It forces a three-day waiting period on the purchase of firearms by law-abiding citizens. Felons, who don’t have to wait were pushing for the seven-day waiting period.

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Chicago gun violence memorial day weekend

Chicagoland – New Red Flag Laws, More Officers Do Nothing to Stem “Gun Violence”

The only thing Liberals will not do to slow the tide of criminals engaging in”gun violence” is the one thing most likely to work. Make it easier for law-abiding citizens to defend themselves. Chicago is the poster-child for this mindset. The mecca of liberal gun laws and one of the most consistently violent places in America.

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NHGOP - Dems 7 day waiting period

She Wants To Exercise Her Right to Defend Herself – NH Democrats Want to Stop Her

New Hampshire Democrats are pushing a 7-day waiting period to buy a firearm. There is no reason too impose this restriction in New Hampshire. None. It’s nothing more than gun-grabbing, knee-jerk liberal opportunism. With majorities in both chambers they can’t help themselves. Joe Sweeney from the NHGOP shared this short video to let women in … Read more

Gun Control

Part 2 of NH House Criminal Justice & Safety Committee – Executive sessions for HB514 Firearm Waiting Period, Deadly Force, and other bills

In addition to HB687 , the “Red Flag” law that anti-gun and anti- Constitution NH Rep Debra Altschiller (Socialist, as the Democrats no longer have a different between them and even hard core Socialists can’t give any such info) is the prime Sponsor, another anti-gun was “exec’d” (or voted on by the Committee) yesterday that should be … Read more

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