So How’s that “Just Sign An Affidavit” Thing Working Out?

Voter ID required except when its not
Voter ID required except when its not

According to the Pew Research Center  5,424 voters lacking proper ID signed affidavits swearing they were New Hampshire residents eligible to vote under state law last November.

As of January 11, 2,266 of the postcards had been returned, and 211 letters were returned as undeliverable. The secretary of state’s office will look into each undeliverable letter, and if an explanation cannot be determined, a list of affidavits needing further investigation will be compiled and sent to the attorney general’s office.

I can provide at least one explanation and it’s called Voter Fraud.

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You Want The Truth? You Can’t Handle The Truth!

Ballot-BoxComments are often a great source of amusement, and often suitable for follow up material.  In this instance, in response to my post about Legally stealing elections with out of state voters who just happen to be in New Hampshire, an anonymous commenter using the handle “Speak the Truth” suggested that we just let it go.

Move On. We have an enormous task in front of us – “we” have to EDUCATE the public with the TRUTH. “Dumb cannot be solved with Dumber”


Here is my response,  some “education” about why we can’t move on…

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NH Democrat Policies On Voter ID and Domicile Still Matter…Here’s Why. (Part 2)

Back in 2000, as many as 1700 UNH students illegally registered to vote in Durham, New Hampshire, and very likely voted here illegally as well.   We know this because in 2001 more than a few UNH students requested that they be removed from the voter checklist in writing, using uncharacteristically similar wording, as if prompted to do so by someone in New Hampshire who did not want to prosecute them, so they could “properly register in their own home towns.”  (Copies of these written requests are on file with the Coalition of New Hampshire Taxpayers, signed by each of the students who submitted them.)

So here we have admitted evidence of vote fraud in one college town in one year, but not prosecuted.   Just like Governor Lynch’s so-called awesome (and impossibly low) High School drop out rate, if you want to make something go away without actually doing anything about it, you ignore it, hide it, re-define it, or simply find enough people who might benefit from it to make it legal.

And while stuffing local ballot boxes with the votes of out of state residents was not new, making it legal made it easier for Democrats to continue to get the votes while reducing significant neck strain from state officials and Democrat party hacks having to look the other way.

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NH Democrat Policies On Voter ID and Domicile Still Matter…Here’s Why. (Part 1)

More than a few folks are probably wondering why I keep talking about vote fraud and photo ID.  TEA Party Republicans more or less plugged up the domicile loophole that invited out of state influence in our local New Hampshire elections, and even passed a voter ID requirement.  So where’s the fire?

Democrats are still lying about the issue, and if permitted any kind of majority in state government will do everything in their power to reverse the protections we’ve managed to gain.  So it is essential that we reveal the half-truths and outright lies they will continue to peddle all the way to November and beyond.

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Because Democrat Timothy Horrigan Asked…

Calling out Left wing hypocrisy is my meat and potatoes. So, the other day, while asking (yet again) why anyone would trust Democrats given their party culture, I mentioned that one of their current NH House candidates had previously voted here while claiming to live in another State.

New Hampshire Democrat Timothy Horrigan asked when the candidate, William ‘Hud’ Connery, admitted to living in Tennessee?  Another ‘anonymous commenter’ said the post was bogus and we had no proof.

I accept your challenge.  You want proof, here it is.

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