I’m From the Government... I’m Here to Help

I’m From the Government…I’m Here to Help

The issue I’m From the Government…I’m Here to Help. A constituent asked Rep. Cynthia Axne of Iowa: Why can’t citizens receive the same health insurance as Congress? The Rep. responded saying she was not satisfied with her Obamacare plan. While in congress she receives her healthcare through Obamacare.  Here’s the exchange: “There’s a lot of talk … Read more


College Campuses: Hubs of Intolerance, Racism, and Anti-Semitism?

Victor Davis Hanson observes that “…colleges are becoming the incubators of progressive hatred of Jews…” This is concerning but does it ring true? Is higher education working to make anti-Semitism respectable again? Are we seeing a rise of racism? Certainly there is an appearance of a growing culture of intolerance on campuses across America. Requirements … Read more

Democrats Support Unions - Oppose Educational Excellence

Higher Education: Hubris or Value

The Issue Is higher education in America a value adding proposition? We all know the costs associated with it are high. When compared with real wages education cost is rising. Are the costs too high, are students learning too little or maybe they are learning the wrong things? Is higher education really the best way … Read more

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