Black Bear

Lions and Tigers and…crap, I Got a Bear Around Here

by Skip

Ah, a function of living in rural NH next to LOTS of conservation land. I guess the little cub we saw a few years ago has grown up. A lot! Really, crap. Bear scat. Didn’t notice it until this morning when I had to go retrieve the bag of trash I spotted in the woods last night.

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Recycling – I’ll say it: it’s just Economic Insanity

by Skip

I’ve been blogging about what has been going on in my home town that just put up the “Scott Dunn monument to Economic Illiteracy” and the Mandatory Recycling mandate in order to make “The Plan” work. You can’t use the new Recycle Center (“RC”), just built for the amount of $1.3 Million dollar, unless YOU … Read more

Waste-to-energy is the solution to the trash problem

by Doug

Regarding the recycling center in Gilford, this whole project has been a boondoggle of the highest degree. As the entire recycling industry crashes and burns, Gilford dives in headfirst … to an EMPTY pool. Once again, government is a day late and a dollar short in providing a “solution” to a “problem” that doesn’t exist, … Read more

We recycle - recycling bin

Is Recycling a “Waste” of Time?

Recycling is a thing. Plastic, glass, paper, metal, cardboard. But it’s not a carbon neutral thing. It is carbon intensive. And while “removing it” from the waste stream may save tipping fees for your local municipality,  if you think you are saving the planet, you’re not.

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Pay As You Throw Had To Go – Revisited

In April of 2011 I wrote about trying to institute Pay As You Throw in Merrimack.  Seeing as this comes up every year, I figured it was time to re-post it.  One point I would add; If any division of the town government intends to continue making a case for costs/burden related to actual use they should be prepared for an all out assault on school taxes (you are still taxing the elderly, childless, and parents with kids out of school), Hydrant fees (we all pay them but who ever uses them), and much, much, more.

by Steve MacDonald – Originally posted on April 22,2011

trash bagThe Merrimack Town Council bent to the will of the voters and scrapped plans to institute a pay as you throw program.  That would have required residents to buy special bags for trash at $1.00 or $1.50 per bag, and you could only use those bags at the town dump.

But we’ve been warned.  This is an issue that will be revisited. Or so we have been told.

Well, screw that, let’s look at it now.

Pay As You Throw Had To Go

The Merrimack Town Council bent to the will of the voters and scrapped plans to institute a pay as you throw program. That would have required residents to buy special bags for trash at $1.00 or $1.50 per bag, and you could only use those bags at the town dump.

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