
Media Bias Displayed in Presidential Town Halls

by Don

October 15’s Presidential Candidate Town Halls revealed extensive media bias and a contrast of old plans and old promises versus rapid accomplishments. George Stephanopoulos rarely involved himself in VP Biden’s town hall, giving the audience and VP Biden time to ask and answer questions.

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Dr Seuss and Gun Grabbers

You can not, shall not have a gun,  This banning craze has just begun…  Guns and bullets make me ill,  Pass the Kool-Aid if you will…  You don’t really need a gun,  From violent criminals you can run!  And when the violent felons come …  You have scissors, but don’t you run!  And to defenseless … Read more

Carol Seiu-Porter….No Townhalls?

At this point the embattled CD-1 encumbant has not scheduled any meetings with her electroate.  Oh, I’m sure there will be tea and crumpets with the state party leadership, and whatever passes for Seiu-Porter groupies from Boo Hoo Hampshire, but wading into the mass of humanity to whom she must actually answer is currently not in the … Read more

Sit Carol Sit

  After a brief review of the game film from Rep Carol Shea-Porters–she’s calling them Town Halls–I’ve decided that any and all future interaction could be just as (or perhaps more) productive if we used either a cardboard standee of the congresswoman with three to five pre-recorded responses played by an aid (Assuming there is no loose … Read more

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