Elizabeth Ruediger: The “Hillary Clinton” of the North Country

Whoopie Goldberg famously said, in defense of Roman Polanski, it wasn’t rape-rape. That was dumb but not unprecedented. Liberals are still making excuses for Bill Clinton nearly 25 years along. Hillary’s terror campaign against the “bimbo eruptions” is legendary. Bill did “stuff.” Hillary destroyed the victims. Always paint the accused as needy, desperate, then bitter.

This brings me back to North Country Democrat Jeff Woodburn who while innocent until proven guilty has his own Hillary Clinton.

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The Democrat agenda of Personal Destruction promulgated by Elizabeth Ruediger

To the Editor:
The argument for being “pro-choice” was redefined last week when Randolph’s Kathleen Kelley announced her candidacy for State Senate in a write-in campaign against embattled incumbent, Jeff Woodburn. Now, for those of you living under the proverbial rock, Mr. Woodburn has been “accused” of some “nefarious” actions in his intimate relationship with the “Tonya Harding of politics”. Woodburn’s accuser has filed a formal, legal complaint alleging he kicked her clothes dryer and broke her door jam during an altercation. The complaint further alleges that Woodburn bit her twice over the course of a two day period. My experience with “biters” is that why are generally under the age of eight and it is not the predominant defense or offense mechanism for adult males of Woodburn’s size. Lastly, bites are intimate.

Bites are intimate because THEY ARE HAPPENING TO YOUR SKIN! And underlying tissue.  And worse case – bones.  Bites HURT and the writer of this snippet taken from the Caledonian Record is Elizabeth Ruediger of Dummer, NH.  She obviously hasn’t been in a real fight where there are no rules.  Sure, little kids do bite and will bite but if the opportunity affords itself in a fit of rage, anger, offense, or defense, biting is an effective tool for any age.

But what I wanted to call your attention is the affirmation of the supposition in Steve’s post: Berlin NH Mayor Names Victim of Woodburn Domestic Violence – It’s Not Who You Think

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