Pregnancy test failure with Transgender woman Powerline

Palate Cleanser – The Left Has Little Sense of Humor for Their Theology Being Confronted – Especially This One

I thought this is hilarious – but it also makes a great point: Yes, being a pre-teen and teenager is hard and can be VERY hard. Yet, more and more evidence is coming in that “going trans” isn’t from an internal mental illness that needs to be carefully taken into account but from those suffering … Read more

Dr. James Lindsay courtesy of GraniteGrok YouTube

An Evening With Dr. James Lindsay: Warning About the Emerging Woke Religious Movement In U.S.

Downtown White River Junction has undergone some serious upgrades in the past ten years. When I moved here fifteen years ago the Lyme-Hanover crowd lamented the sorry state of the once-bustling Vermont town.

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Bishop Megan Rohrer

Dontcha Just Love a Democrat Identity Group Politic Totem Pole Food Fight? I Certainly Do.

The Dem victimhood Identity Group totem pole “food fight” is a thing to behold, especially when it’s in a Church that used to honor, you know, God and His precepts but converted to one of those Revelation churches (being “lukewarm” ring a bell?).

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Beto O’Rouke – Govt WILL mandate what your belief is. HE will decide what you believe in – not your Scriptures.

“Laws have to be backed up with resources and political will. And deep-seated cultural codes, religious beliefs and structural biases have to be changed.” -Hillary Clinton. Robert Francis (culture appropriator of “Beto”) O’Rourke certainly agrees.  He’s like a swinging machine gun with Progressive “bullets of infringements” as he struggles for any kind of foot hold … Read more

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