Dontcha Just Love a Democrat Identity Group Politic Totem Pole Food Fight? I Certainly Do.

by Skip

The Dem victimhood Identity Group totem pole “food fight” is a thing to behold, especially when it’s in a Church that used to honor, you know, God and His precepts but converted to one of those Revelation churches (being “lukewarm” ring a bell?).

When it’s a church that has swapped The Gospel for a Social Gospel and settled into Social Justice.

That church has morphed into the Democrat Party Committee meeting with pews because NO Bible-based, God-fearing church that I know puts up with this changes every 5 minutes or so social theology and that what was blessed today is worthy of brimstone tomorrow.

And to make it clear, there is no sense of Grace, Mercy, or Forgiveness with these pagans (for they’ve left their primary mission behind).

Now that I have your attention, break out the popcorn!

Thou shalt not break our Social Justice Warrior Theology!

It is hard, however, to figure out their 10 Commandments as they are ever-changing. But someone broke one of the current ones and got branded as a “heathen” (see what I did there? Reformatted, emphasis mine):

Evangelical Lutheran LGBTQ ministry group suspends first transgender bishop
Says Bishop Megan Rohrer engaged in “racist words and actions”

A group promoting LGBTQ clergy in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America has suspended its first transgender bishop over allegations of “racist words and actions” involving the bishop’s church area and the “Latinx community” in Stockton, California.  Extraordinary Lutheran Ministries said its board decided Dec. 16 “to suspend” Bishop Megan Rohrer’s membership “in the ELM Proclaim community and events.” The Proclaim program is, ELM says, “the professional community for Lutheran ministers and candidates, who publicly identify as queer.”

Bishop Rohrer was installed three months ago as leader of the church’s Sierra Pacific Synod. ELM said Bishop Rohrer exhibited “an existing pattern of behavior” that doesn’t fit with its goal of “being an anti-racist organization.”

To that last point, I grew up believing that the main purpose of Christian churches was to save souls through the preaching of salvation through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. Silly me – I still believe that. Sure, charitable works and all that is a part of expressing that faith. But being a queer anti-racist organization?

There wasn’t much in the Washington Examiner story (link below) but I did go to Rohrer’s website and found this as a description:

The Rev. Dr. Megan Rohrer is Bishop of the Sierra Pacific Synod (ELCA).  The first openly transgender Bishop in a major Christian denomination, Megan is an award winning filmmaker, musician and historian, Megan  was a finalist for the Lambda Literary award, received an honorable mention as an Unsung Hero of Compassion by Wisdom in Action, with His Holiness the Dali Lama and has been featured on Queer Eye, Cosmo (see the video to the right), People and in Wittenberg, Germany for the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation.

And a set of pronouns, ‘natch. Funny, I would have thought that a Bishop would have been talking about his Biblical mission and his walk with God in serving his congregants.  Instead, it’s a litany of queer achievements.

I dryly note that the membership of the Lutheran Church, like other “mainstream” Protestant churches, has been dropping like a rock.  Have they bothered to figure out why?

(H/T: Washington Examiner)

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