gun rifle firearm

On Mass Shootings

Mass shootings are tragic, as is almost any criminal shooting occurrence. Loss of innocent life is not reversible. Families, loved ones, and friends all suffer when they happen. Something does need to be done, and it should involve common sense.

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Can’t hide the fact Trump is a law-abiding American

by Don

Having failed to protect the Washington establishment’s interests by accusing President Trump of collusion or criminality, Robert Mueller tried to redeem himself in his May 29 retirement speech. His excuse for failure contradicted his previous statements and required subsequent “clarification”/correction, and he tried to avoid a congressional appearance (and its embarrassing questions). Robert Mueller was … Read more

Facebook debate

FB Doodlings: Sue Ragen thinks an 18 year old should continue to be infantilized? More on the Rachel Phelan issue

by Skip

To recap: Rachel Phelan, and 18 year old high school student wrote on Op-Ed about the negotiations between the Manchester teachers and the Manchester School Board. Rich Girard, head of those negotiations for the School Board, emailed her to correct some factual errors.  Then it blew up and David Scannell decided he could leak a private letter from Phelan’s lawyer, giving us even more fodder on which to opine. And Steve did, Manchester Democrat(s) Using a Student for a Political Smear is the Scandal, and on Facebook. And a Sue Regan decided she could take us to task for even bringing attention to this fiasco of Democrat making (reformatted, emphasis mine):

What’s really sad is an adult in a position of power felt the need to respond to a student’s editorial directly to the student. I don’t care if legally she is an adult.

Well, there you go – right in line with Progressive thinking – adults are only children and must be treated as such.  That’s really their superior hubris in thinking finally coming to fruition.  I’m a Boomer and I couldn’t WAIT to be considered an adult – not so much any more.  It’s the realization of their governing philosophy – they are the adults and everyone else is a child.

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New Hampshire Governors fail in the Oath of Office

Note: we welcome Dan Itse to our ranks as a Grokster! A long time member of the NH House of Representatives, he was acknowledged to be one of the foremost experts on both the US and NH Constitutions here in the State of NH and with his first post, he does not disappoint by bringing to light some responsibilities that many of us didn’t know we had – including our elected officials!

Welcome, Dan!



New Hampshire Governors, like every elected officer of the State and many appointed officers take an oath to uphold The Constitution of the State of New Hampshire, and the Constitution for the United States of America. However, I would wager most do not know these documents to well enough to know the full scope of or limitations upon the office they hold. Part 1, Article 24 of the Constitution of the State of New Hampshire proclaims:

“A well regulated militia is the proper, natural, and sure defense, of a State.”

This sentiment is echoed in the Second Amendment to the Constitution for the United States:

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Notable Quote: Frederic Bastiat on Liberty

God has implanted in mankind also all that is necessary to enable it to accomplish its destinies…Away, then, with quacks and organizers! … Away with their artificial methods!  Away with their social laboratories, their governmental whims, their centralization, their tariffs, their universities, their State religion, their inflationary or monopolizing banks, their limitations, their restrictions, their … Read more

The Law Can Never Be Philanthropic

tipping the scalesThe law (justice) can never be philanthropic.  It cannot guarantee property of any kind to anyone because the law has no property to give.  The law does not create property.  The Law does not summon property out of thin air-where none previously existed.  The Law can only take from someone else what is theirs.

It therefore behooves those charged with writing and managing the law (and more importantly those who elect or appoint the stewards) to ensure that philanthropy is not the foundation of the States interest.   The only way to fulfill that interest is through the progressive accumulation of other people’s property under the cover of legalized plunder.  The only way for the law to be philanthropic is to legalize theft.

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