The recently agreed-to Minneapolis Federation of Teachers (MFT) Union Contract includes a provision that protects employment-based race. If a job needs to be eliminated, you’ll get fired instead of someone else if you look a certain way.
Teachers Union
Teachers Union: “Let Us Do Our Jobs Without Interference From Parents…”
It was extremely disappointing when Timberlane’s Coral Hampe, President of the Timberlane Teachers’ Association, disparaged parents over proposed legislation that could help parents, when it comes to objectionable material that is assigned to their children.
Unions Demand Teachers “Log” Students’ Vaccination Status
A teacher in New Jersey is exposing the union for gathering vaccine data on students and their families. She reports that an app developed by Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez to data-mine information should be used by teachers to gather vaccine data on families.
Manchester Charter Question: A Backdoor to School Board Taxing Authority
The question asking Manchester voters to amend the city charter seems simple enough. It reads as follows: SHALL THE CITY OF MANCHESTER APPROVE THE THE CITY CHARTER AMENDMENT SUMMARIZED BELOW CHARTER REVIEW COMMITTEE SECTION 8.03 PERIODIC REVIEW (a) Not less than once every ten (10) years the board of mayor and aldermen shall cause the … Read more
Nashua: Rigged Elections and Taxpayer Funded Electioneering
Promoted from the Nashua Microgrok: Does this email, sent by a teachers union representative to district staff using school district electronic mailboxes, sound like electioneering to you?
Nashua: Rigged Elections and Taxpayer Funded Electioneering
Does this email, sent by a teachers union representative to district staff using school district electronic mailboxes, sound like electioneering to you? “You sent around the election stuff on Friday. But some people were missing. Could you check if it was just an oversight? If you don’t have those names, I will check the status with Adam.”
Teacher’s Union is Violating Contract and Election Law and Getting Away With It
Not many taxpayers realize it, but teachers union contracts have clauses that allow union members to use school facilities for union activities. However, there are restrictions on the appropriate use of public facilities.
Did Democrat Majority Decide Doug Ley is Too Stupid to be Found Guilty of Ethics Violations?
In keeping with New Hampshire House Democrat ‘discipline’ of House Democrats, Majority Leader Douglas Ley just walked away from a significant ethics violation without a scratch.
“Ethics committee to move forward in investigation against House majority leader” – Doug Ley
That’s the title over at the Keene Sentinel about NH House Majority Leader and President of the American Federation of Teachers here in NH, Douglas Ley. We’ve written about him before (here, here, here, and here). Steve wrote this: A formal ethics complaint has been filed against NH House Democrat majority leader Dough Ley. As noted … Read more
Manchester Democrats Are Afraid of Rich Girard.
The Left likes to tell you who scares them. One of the signs or symptoms of this condition is hyperbolic imaginings. Organized into a systematic hit. Like those on display from Manchester Democrats directed at Board of School Committee member Rich Girard. It’s not just THAT they are accusing him of inappropriate communications with a … Read more
Yet another Teacher makes it known that kids don’t belong to their parents.
The US Left now believes that children belong to the community and not to their parents (the latest really public outburst was by Progressive Dr. Melissa Harris-Perry of MSNBC that I posted here). A while ago now, I was up in Moultonborough during a School Board meeting and there I saw a first hand account … Read more
Did Mayor Gatsas Kick The Can Down The Road?
On April 11th I swung for the fences in regard to remarks by Manchester Mayor Ted Gatsas and his desire to get some benefits concessions from the Teachers union to free up money in the budget..for education. In the course of those remarks I pointed out how the Mayor had boasted about an agreement with the Manchester police and that he was just looking for something similar from the Teachers union.
A day or two after I published the post I received some intersting correspondence about that agreement with the Manchester Police; that while the union had made some very public benefits concessions there may have been other deals in the contract that could cost taxpayers even more down the road. The unions may have actually come out ahead.
Mayor Gatsas Goes after The “Benfit Plan One-Percenters” in Manchester
Manchester Mayor Ted Gatsas is singing a tune we like to hear and one that I have advocated for myself. What is it? Hidden in the Cadillac plans of public sector employees is a revenue resource that must be tapped.
Gatsas is standing up for taxpayers, and defending the spending cap, in his negotiations with the Teachers union with regard to Manchester’s School budget.
He said teachers still enjoy plans with zero deductibles, $5 co-pays and $50 charges for emergency room visits, while the police union, among others, recently made concessions to avoid layoffs, shifting to a plan with higher co-pays, deductibles and $150 per emergency room visit.
“With the $3 million in savings, we hired more police officers,” Gatsas said.
So why can’t the teachers do the same thing? It’s a great question.
Let’s Be Clear On Why Democrats Want To Kill The School Scholarship Program
In April of last year I pointed out what appeared obvious to me. That the small business school scholarship program, eventually passed into law last year–the one New Hampshire Democrats are trying to repeal–could actually save the towns and the state money.
In Merrimack the actual ‘on-paper’ cost per student is well over $14,000.00 each.; total enrollment of 4700 (ish) divided by our roughly 65+ million dollar school budget. If a parent can only take $3,450.00 per child, ($2500.00 average) then the town is still getting paid $11,000.00 dollar per child with no child left to teach.
To see how that looks if we borrow the formula the Super’s letter…
COPUPPSE (Cost of Over-priced Under Performing Public School Education) – PTPR (Pittance of Tuition Parent Receives) = JPSS (Jackpot for Public School System)
Well guess what. Someone on the CATO Institute Blog yesterday, asked Governor Hassan why–if Governor Hassan wants to save taxpayers money–would she also want to repeal a scholarship program that saves taxpayers money on the cost of education?
It’s Town election season here in NH – and teachers are being closely looked at: If Bedford teachers want to leave, let them go
From another email that was inbound was this Letter concerning teachers and taxes from a town other than mine. From the folks that I hear from, whose jobs and companies have been affected by globalization in commodity products and services, there seems to be a growing resentment towards government workers who have absolutely no empathy … Read more
Starve A Union Save A Teacher
The state has no right to come between the union and its workers right? Well I think I agree, because we now know how that works out.
Wisconsin Teachers no longer have their union dues deducted from their pay checks. They have to either sign up for automatic payments through their bank or write a check to the union each month. Given how the anti-Walker protests went, or at least how they were portrayed, this should not have been a problem for the union. You know, workers unite and all that Jazz? Well reality is quite a bit different from the media adaption of the Union talking points we saw on television. The Wisconsin Education Association Council (WEAC), the state education union, is laying off 40% of its staff in response to dwindling revenue. But why? What happened to workers unite? Where did all the union protesters go? Home to their own states is my guess.
Given the "choice" to support the Wisconsin education unions activities, many teachers have stopped paying dues and union staff have been laid off as a result. So Wisconsin’s teachers just gave 42 state union employees their walking papers because they would rather keep the money for themsleves than give it to the WEAC.
The union is blaming Governor Walker and the Republicans but for what? There’s no law against paying dues and the state is no longer coming between the union and its workers. Kyle Olson at Big Government brings home the bacon…
If the union has anyone to blame, it has to be its rank-and-file members. Teachers have apparently been slow to provide WEAC with bank account information for direct dues payments, despite the teams of “home visitors” that have been dispatched to pressure members over the summer.
That situation says more about the union than it does about Walker or state government. If teachers really supported their union, they would pay their dues. If they don’t support their union, should they be forced to be members and pay dues?
(…)The suspicion is that WEAC is really nothing more than a small group of radical leaders who have been forcing captive members to finance their agenda for years.
Big protest, and we had one similar in New Hampshire, but what were they really protesting?