We’re fairly harsh on our senior Senator to the US Senate and most of the time, we’re actively using the second part of one of our various mottos (“Spank’em when they’re wrong but thank’em when they’re right”) today.
tax code
The Left’s Evolution of Intolerance on Marriage
A few years back, the Democrat majority New Hampshire legislature strong-armed its caucus into passing “gay marriage.” No, it did not have the votes on the first pass. It failed. A few people took the day, a few flipped, and we were told no one was going to make churches perform them.
What Would You Do as President?
We start by asking former congressional candidate Jim Lawrence what he’d first do if he were president, which leads to getting congress to embrace reform, problems with fraud and EB-5 and HB-1 visas, the rigged game in general, and a lot more.
Adventures in Babysitting
J.Robert Smith has a good article at American Thinker on Republicans taking back the tax issue, and that is certainly true, but there were two things in particular that stood out to me… First, the current US tax code consists of almost 74,000 pages. (What the…) Second, on one of those pages can be found this. (paragraphs appear here in … Read more
There is a difference between the Free Market and the Government Market
And TreeHugger decided to demonstrate that, with clueless irony, all on their own. Yes, one more from TreeHugger that shows that Environmentalism has really left its roots of DOING environmental work and very much all about getting Big Government and its big teat (and very much, dependent on that teat) to do it instead as well as forcing lifestyle changes upon people that otherwise would not. This time, trying to go all yammering that Republicans not supporting Govt supported jobs is hypocritical and ignoring the foundation of their illogic:
Siemens Lays Off 38% of US Workforce – Cites Lack of Wind Power Support Romney Favors
That wind power jobs and installations in the US rise and fall in line with federal tax policy for the renewable energy source is solidly established,…
You’d think after decades of watching the “ups and downs”, and being tax experts (as all Big Multinationals are), some would learn to not play the game. Problem is, profits are to be made when the Government either directly or indirectly manages a marketplace via tax policy. And the writer of the post is surprised at this? Mere youngster that thinks history starts with his birth. However, he yammers onward:
GrokTV Event – Seacoast Republican Women Congressional Forum – Question 2
Another question from the audience related to that big bug-a-boo from the Maker / Productive class (as opposed to the Taker / Moocher / Socialist class) – taxes? They see it as unfair that some are forced to pull the entire weight of the cost of government for all, and that it is used for behaviorial modification according to ideological grounds (instead of just evenly distributing the cost of a limited govt across all beneficiaries of that limited govt).
Question 2: Should the Federal tax code be reformed and if so, how?
Data Point – Fair Share: who DOES pay the income tax?
From AEIdeas: When is fair, well, fair? Unfortunately, the Democrat Socialists that have their greedy fingers into the tax code are not going to be happy until the marginal tax rate for the top 15% (or lower) rises to 100%.