Horowitz Report on Surveillance is Close

IG Investigation of Alleged FISA Abuse is Complete

DoJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz has given his draft report to the attorney general. The report delves into alleged FISA abuse by the department and the FBI. The abuses took place as part of the Trump-Russia investigation. The announcement The IG sent a letter sent to multiple congressional committees in both chambers. Horowitz announced Friday his … Read more

Can’t hide the fact Trump is a law-abiding American

by Don

Having failed to protect the Washington establishment’s interests by accusing President Trump of collusion or criminality, Robert Mueller tried to redeem himself in his May 29 retirement speech. His excuse for failure contradicted his previous statements and required subsequent “clarification”/correction, and he tried to avoid a congressional appearance (and its embarrassing questions). Robert Mueller was … Read more

Lanny Davis

Clinton Fixer Blows Hole in Dossier – Russia Collusion Narrative

The debunked Steele Dossier was the driving force behind the special counsel investigation into the Trump administration. Herr Mueller, for all his work, has a few process crimes and a lot of press but nothing relating to why he was appointed.  So, is it a big deal that Clinton Family fixer Lanny Davis just hollowed out the dossier and left it to rot at the bottom of the Potomac?

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