moochers electing looters to steal from producers

Notable Quote – Prof. Walter Williams: Socialism is EVIL

Emphasis mine: This is why socialism is evil. It employs evil means, confiscation and intimidation, to accomplish what are often seen as noble goals — namely, helping one’s fellow man. Helping one’s fellow man in need by reaching into one’s own pockets to do so is laudable and praiseworthy. Helping one’s fellow man through coercion … Read more

All enemies Foreign and Domestic

Notable Quote – It Isn’t “Implicit Bias”, It’s a Bias by Our Educational System

Emphasis mine: “It’s the achievement gap, not systemic racism, that explains demographic disparities in education and employment.”

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But the Left already KNOWS the reality – they just whine about the Perception

Yeah, while I’m not an NRA member, I’m more of his type, a (late) middle-aged, unassuming, smiling, Dad-bod kinda guy. No orange vest though. But the Left needs a scapegoat and so it manufactures one, especially when it slows down the speed of Statism. (H/T: Powerline)

BlogAdvice of the Day: Glenn Reynolds

“Since we’ve seen that the government can take a 2.3 percent cut without anybody noticing, why not go for a 5% across-the-board cut next year?” (H/T: Instapundit) Given the rise in spending by Government since Obama took office, yes, a 5% cut probably would show up as much as this sequestration did to the ordinary … Read more

Kevin Sorbo again! Smart actors vs. low-information statists…

KevinSorboBookWell, well! There’s a hostile remark to my blog post the other day about Kevin “Hercules” Sorbo (a rare movie star who isn’t an economic and political ignoramus).

See, I said Sorbo was spot-on when he observed that “everything government touches they destroy” (you can see that blog post HERE; his observation about harmful and pernicious government failures starts in the video at 1:40).

Here’s the hostile comment to my blog post:

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An Essay: What is “Constitutional”? Who decides?

Yesterday I cited an 1886 Supreme Court decision that ruled that unconstitutional actions or statutes are…inoperative, and of no effect (see it HERE). My long-time buddy and fellow lawyer—I’ll call him Larry—sent me a friendly warning about that post, as follows:

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HB 1403 Is Good Law For The International Baccalaureate Program

“You know your in the IB if your school has this traffic sign posted in the parking lot: Caution: Kids might throw themselves in front of your car.”—Unknown

Jeffrey Beard, director general of the International Baccalaureate Organization writes today in our own local Union Leader. Mr. Beard extols IB virtues and advocates for schools to adopt an IB curriculum, while making a strong statement against House Bill 1403, Requiring a school curriculum and instruction to meet school approval standards only when the “curriculum and instruction promote state and national sovereignty … not subject to the governance of a foreign body or organization.(amended analysis from the bill)

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Notable Quote – US Senator Jim DeMint (R-SC)

“I believe in compromise when both parties have similar goals in mind, but today, the goals of the Democratic and Republican parties are at polar opposites. On one hand, you have a party pushing for more dependence and collectivist, big-government policies, and on the other hand, you have a party that wants more freedom and … Read more

Prepare For The Barakaclypse

Every one of these was or is a left wing campaign to make leftist dogma look like centrist mantra. They exist to streamline progressive/socialsit thought into mainstream thinking. But they failed and so the latter iterations have become more destructive. Each “movement” has gotten progressively more unruly, progressively more violent.

Do You Beleive In Warrenism?

The Elizabeth Warren notion of who paid for what is no different than the public union employees who cry “but we pay taxes too?”  

Really?  If we stopped paying taxes, how would you pay yours?  How would you pay for anything?  (Hint: You’d have to work in the real world.)

Public employees can only pay their taxes after we pay them with ours.  It is like an allowance and subject to the same rules.  If we no longer feel we need or can afford to provide for it, we can choose to stop.

So nothing exists in government (including public sector paychecks, roads, bridges, or US Senatorial lifestyles for those wishing to aspire to them) unless someone else first earns something or creates something that they are willing to exchange for something done by government. 

Warrenism and left wing class warfare, however,  turns the relationship upside down.

Warrenism states that those receiving the allowance will not only define how much and how often they are paid (under threat of intimidation, public humiliation, lawsuits, and even imprisonment), they will also decide how it is to be spent and who and what will benefit. The problem with this scenario is that, as has often been said, you eventually run out of other peoples money So Warrenism is actually just another form of economic suicide that ends the way every other socialist hissy-fit has ended; in misery or violence, or more likely plenty of both.

No matter what happens Elizabeth Warren and the left wing elites will be fine.  That should tell you something about who they are and what they really care about.  Power.

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Our Idiot Brother

It’s not as though Goldman Sachs or Chrysler can tax Americans. Only government can do that. Only government can bail out private interests with public funds.

Eat The Rich

If we ‘eat the rich’ we get one meal, after which there is nothing left to eat. Without any wealth creators to tax the bloated government either starves to death or it looks for other prey. The ignorant statists are clearly not smart enough to know who is next in line, or forward thinking enough to know just how short that line is until the government gets to them.

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