“Since we’ve seen that the government can take a 2.3 percent cut without anybody noticing, why not go for a 5% across-the-board cut next year?”
(H/T: Instapundit)
Given the rise in spending by Government since Obama took office, yes, a 5% cut probably would show up as much as this sequestration did to the ordinary person in the street. After all, through the machinations of Obama, we all lost 2.5% of our income at the beginning of the year via higher taxes – even on the poor people. But it won’t happen – cutting a governmental budget in the face of Democrats is like kicking over the Holy Water basin in a Catholic Church (or taking money out of the plate at a Protestant one) – it is anathema to make Government even one dime smaller.
Speaking of church, Progressive Statists see us all limited government people as evil as Satan (which that most of them don’t believe in anyways, unless they are looking at TEA Party folks). After all, in their eyes, only Government can accomplish good in the ways and magnitude they want.
And they control – as they see themselves as the High Priests that guard the Alter of that Government and we must sit in the pews where they tell us to sit.