And so it begins……….a thought

Cowering Woman

Remember, Progressives hate women defending themselves.  Why?  Well, Susan just posted another case of “what as bad when Republicans did it, but fine when Democrats do it” – their faux cries of “settled law” (here and here).  Here we see the regressive nature of Democrats in trying to reverse the Natural Right to defend yourself.  No longer will it be lawful to defend your home (“castle”) or yourself where ever you happen to be – even if you do not “consent” to give your Right to the State in this regard.

This case illustrates wonderfully, beautifully is the difference:


You have the Natural Right (and responsibility) to defend yourself.  The State should not force you to outsource that to itself.  Remember, the lives of you and your family, loved ones, and friends might depend on it.  Gun Control: firm grip, get the correct sight picture, and keep the muzzle pointed at the evil ones.  Carry on.


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Left Wing Liars – A Few Examples.

The Today show is under “Investigation” by NBC after…”the morning show aired an edited conversation between George Zimmerman and a 911 dispatcher recorded moments before the shooting. The investigation came after Fox News and others pointed out that the network spliced two parts of the call together, making it appear as if Zimmerman had said, “This guy looks like he’s up to no good. He looks black.” In reality, Zimmerman was answering a dispatcher’s question:”

Zimmerman: This guy looks like he’s up to no good. Or he’s on drugs or something. It’s raining and he’s just walking around, looking about.

Dispatcher: OK, and this guy–is he black, white or Hispanic?

Zimmerman: He looks black.

(H/T Yahoo News)

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Left Does Not Want You To Connect These Dots

Police Chiefs and Leftists and Lynches oh my!  They conspired to limit your right to self defense in New ON TARGET towards freedomHampshire.  Intimidated you with warnings of bloodshed.  Introduced fear as a catalyst against you.  And for what reason? 

Tyranny?  It is more difficult to use government power to manipulate an armed populace, armed with knowledge, armed for self defense. The first thing  tyrant must do is to go after their guns.

Or is it victim-hood?  Let’s face it, muggers and criminals are more than prepared to show you that they are willing to use force to commit a crime.  Why would Democrats refuse you a similar opportunity to prevent a crime? Are they afraid you will discover that a lawfully armed populace can prevent crime without them?  Do they need you to be a victim to advance some agenda?

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“A moment’s reflection shows that Liberalism is entirely negative. It is not a formative force, but always and only a disintegrating force.” Francis Parker Yockey


The House voted today to override the Governors’ veto of Senate Bill 88 on the heels of the Senate voting to override last week. The vote was 251 to 111. It should be important to note that the Governor and his faithful went into overdrive to build support for sustaining the veto, to include a walking tour of Lincoln street area of Manchester in the vicinity of Hayward and Somerville Streets. It was there where Attorney General stated, “And we will be providing drug dealers and street gangsters with a new right to respond using more violence in public places…”

At the Governor’s press conference the morning before the house leaders’ press conference, Chief Robert Wharem, President of the New Hampshire Association of Chiefs of Police, told WMUR, “Senate Bill 88 is one of the most dangerous bills we’ve had come before us in our time…” while he had roughly a dozen other police chiefs gathered around him, seeming to imply he speaks for all New Hampshire Chiefs. The difference here is many likely opted to stay home and not politicize this bill, remaining within the confines of their sworn oaths.

At the end of the day, none of their Charlatanry, pandering or demagoguing held any political water, resulting in the veto override which now means the bill is law. Now SB 88 is law. The streets will not run red with blood and responsible, law-abiding citizens will not be prosecuted for lawfully defending themselves against violent attacks.

But to be expected, whenever there is a gun crime it will be certain that the critics of the bill will point to this law as a manifestation of that crime, ignoring the fact that criminals with guns will still commit crimes. They did so before this law and will continue to do so even after this law.

This law protects law-abiding citizens, not Criminals. On the coattails of Senate Bill 88’s passage we will likely hear be hearing next from the Brady Bunch about the enormous social costs of gun violence.  Guy Smith, Author of Gun Facts, has undertaken a most complete compilation of data. Here are just a few examples:

Myth: The social cost of gun violence is enormous

Fact: Because guns are used an estimated 2.5 million times per year to prevent crimes, the cost savings in personal losses, police work, and court and prison expenses vastly outweighs the cost of criminal gun violence and gun accidents. The net savings, under a worst-case scenario, is about $3.5 billion a year.257

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