BAZINGA! We’ve Made The Big Leagues! GraniteGrok Has Been Flagged By The Southern Poverty Law Center

by Skip

Hahahahahahaha! Us – GraniteGrok!  The SPLC, the grifters selling their “legitimacy” built up pursuing the KKK and other hate groups (hardly ever are their groups on the Left included) has flagged the ‘Grok as an “AntiGovernment General Group” (reformatted, emphasis mine).

Steve’s reaction was quite droll:

We’ve actually sort of wondered what took them this long.

So, according to them, WHAT are we?  WHY have we, a little blog in a tiny State, come to their attention?  Either we have much more “juice” than I’ve ever thought possible or, boy, are they ever struggling and grasping at straws. Dare I say “bottom of the barrel” in a frenzied attempt to “find” more groups to scare the other Leftie groups with? Silly people.

Sidenote: And better yet, who “turned us in”?  I’d love to shake their hand!

The Intelligence Project identified 266 antigovernment general groups, which believe the federal government is inherently tyrannical and traffic in conspiracy theories. These include groups which self-identify as militias, but do not have any proven paramilitary activity.

In 2021, the conspiratorial and permanently dubious view of government was pervasive, as evidence [sic] by the movement’s popularity on such issues as COVID-19 regulations, local school curriculum, the “Big Lie” voter fraud, border security and various technological advances such as 5G cell service. Antigovernment imagery, such as the Gadsden flag and the Three Percenter logo, was commonly displayed by adherents across the country. Antigovernment groups were linked up with other hard-right groups in 2021, as they often targeted the same marginalized communities and engaged in actual or threats of political violence.

Is saying “we’d whip their butts in any debate” considered to be “political violence”?  Calling them Socialists a felony (even as some actually DO call themselves socialists)? Adhering to traditional mores and history? Quoting the Constitution (GUILTY AS CHARGED – put me into your stocks!)?

Always hewing to the Left’s mission to change America is their mission. And we know them by their words (and grift – I DID mention that, right? Ideological prostitutes in the sale of their “bodies” to others for ideological cover).  Pure Critical Race Theory in that “AntiGovernment” groups are the Oppressors and “marginalized communities” are always being Oppressed.  Sorry, dudes, Democrats are the Party of Government and historically, the Oppressors of those folks (e.g., Jim Crow laws).

But you already know what the Left thinks about us that refuse to bend a knee.

…Faced with greater scrutiny and deplatforming, antigovernment groups reorganized and were dispersed in communities focused on localized activities – a mainstay tactic of the antigovernment movement. Some local chapters of national organizations disbanded or unaffiliated, including chapters of Oath Keepers, the American Patriots Three Percent, III% United Patriots, the Three Percenters/III%ers, and the State of Jefferson Formation.

Ammon Bundy’s People’s Rights activists held a variety of small-scale demonstrations for individual grievances and organized a series of stunts disobeying COVID-19 public health measures, one resulting in Bundy’s arrest, throughout 2021.

In the Southwest, antigovernment extremists set up camps in the desert engaging in vigilante activities including harassing migrants and humanitarian aid groups and coordinating with border patrol agents.

…The antigovernment movement will look to expand upon the broad popularity of foundational ideas related to guns, government distrust…

Umm, if you read our Founders of our Government, THEY were distrustful of all governments, including the one they were designing. So I’m betting that the SPLC doesn’t like them either (just can’t hoover up money from others over them – I think).

This really is hilarious! Would any of you Normal readers (as opposed to the lunatics on the Left that would give their firstborn to Big Government to keep Big Government big and bigger and some do- it’s called murdering the unborn but I guess that’s why we’re listed by them) agree with them that “distrust” should be banned from our Citizens’ minds?  Or do you think we should have no minds at all and just obey what they tell us to think or say?

Look, we do no violence (as we violently disagree with the Left that Speech is Violence (see what I did there?).  But just like when the Left talks about “misinformation” and “disinformation” being the “worst of all evils”, we are not allowed to think on our own.

After all, the SPLC gets paid millions of bucks to tell others that we are evil. Really, we truly are nice guys when you meet us – just don’t say or do stupid things and we’ll get along just fine (right, Thad Riley? Oh wait…).

But, here we are in their list:

Garden State 2A Grassroots Organization
Mulica Hill, NJ*

Gideon Knox Group, MT Daily Gazette
Sidney, MT

Gilford, NH*

Gun Owners of America
Springfield, VA*
Harrisburg, PA

No, I have no idea what they mean by putting an asterisk next to us.

Frankly, I found their “Background” rather amusing and certainly one-sided – the opening ‘graph:

Antigovernment groups are part of the antidemocratic hard-right movement. They believe the federal government is tyrannical and they traffic in conspiracy theories about an illegitimate government of leftist elites seeking a “New World Order.” Adherents and critics have in the past referred to this movement as the “Patriot” movement…

Heh!  Frankly, many of us aren’t “anti-government” so much as “too much government” as in “not sticking to your lanes and boundaries”.  Do what your Constitution says, do it excellently, and leave us alone to figure out the rest in Civil Society. I also think they missed a few other categories as well:

  • They’re bumblers
  • Retiring in place
  • Not as “expert” as they think they are (and that a lot of people outside of government are MUCH smarter than those inside. After all, the only people who have a monopoly on good ideas are those that actually have good ideas).
  • Rarely know their left from the right hands
  • A sense of self-righteousness that those inside are our “betters” and have the unconsented right to order the rest of around and tell us how to live THEIR “authentic lives”.  After all, who is giving us “shared misery” by making major decisions for us (OK, mandates that we must follow on pain of jail  – is that conspiratorial enough for the SPLC to keep our spot in their list???).

No, not all – there are perfectly good ones that try to do the right things. But there’s also enough of the above to list them.

So, yes, a badge of honor from these overbearing, full of themselves, discriminators and bigots in their own right.

Er, Left.




  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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