USCustomers and Border Protection

Two More Twists At The Southern Border

Anyone with an ounce of commonsense can see the disastrous situation caused by Joe Biden and his diverse but inept Administration. There is no longer a secure boundary between Americans and the criminal migrants streaming into the country from over 155 different countries worldwide.

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USCustomers and Border Protection

Border Not As Bad As Predicted, No Thanks to Joe

Amazing how Joe Biden takes credit for the decrease in Border crossings as he claims White Supremacy was America’s biggest threat when he addressed graduates at Howard University on Saturday. Usually, the number one threat is climate change, but when addressing an all-Black graduating class, you have to patronize them using the White Supremacy card. … Read more

Poor old Joe

Dark clouds are gathering over the White House and Joe Biden’s past is catching up with him. Son Hunter will be the major contributor to the old fools’ troubles. Seems that laptop opened more than one can of worms. Hunter’s tax records show that he paid dad $50,000 a  year for rent on one of … Read more

pencil pencil shavings photo by Lisa Fotios - Pexels

Biden Checks Off a Box…Or Did He

The Joe Biden visit to the Southern Border was anti-climactic after a fifty-year wait for it to occur. Biden and his Border Czar, Kamala Harris, have not yet been to the Border. The mainstream media will debate that claim to death.

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Gov Gregg Abbott

Man in Wheelchair Scores Knockout

It was a stark image that the mainstream media would work feverishly to keep off the airwaves. Joe Biden exited Air Force 1 and was met by Governor Greg Abbott waiting for him in his wheelchair with a letter in his hand.

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The Border is Not the Crisis. FOX Reporting Is

It is getting much too difficult to hold back the anger and continue to write with a modicum of respect for the President and his Administration. For a President, a lifetime politician, to declare he would have the most transparent Administration in our history is a joke. Let me say that again.

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Democrat Mayors Cry Uncle

Mayors Bowser of Washington D.C. and Adams of New York are looking as foolish as politicians can look. They are getting a small taste of what the Border States have been enduring for eighteen months, and that snippet is not sitting well.

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stop_sign photos-public-domain Creative Commons CC0

Just STOP IT! And Throw Them Out!

Well, it seems that our legend in his own mind president picked a real peach of a Secretary of Homeland Security. Sure, this same legend has picked some other real peaches (Secretary of Defense, Secretary of State, blah, blah, blah) but this guy couldn’t maintain his own security if going into a gender-neutral restroom.

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