OFA Arrogance With a Touch Of Highway Robbery

The Obama Store ( a website that unlike the Obamacare site works quite well) is having a 40% off sale.  If only they’d try that with the Federal budget we’d be getting somewhere… Showcased front page items include an ‘Organizer in Training’ onesie for $17.50. Shouldn’t that read “Lucky to be alive?” Or how about, “Thanks … Read more


Green Energy Loan crack pipe
80 Billion dollars up in smoke..but hey, make sure you use energy efficient light bulbs!

Your government floods the AM band with public service announcements (PSA’s).  Back in the day I used to have to read them when I did radio in High School.   We didn’t have them pre-recorded.  But now they have them canned and you can just play them with a mouse click or program them into the content.  And there a lot of them.

There are spots for the Forest service, home loans, emergency management, you name it.  Remember Ready.gov during hurricane Sandy? Not so ready if you don’t have Internet.  No surprises.  This is the government we’re talking about.

Well they also have PSA’s on saving energy.  The newest in that series points out all the things you could have bought if you had not wasted that money of inefficiency.  Like throwing money out the window.

That’s right.  The US government and the Obama Department of Energy are schooling us on how to avoid wasting money when it comes to energy.

Go ahead and laugh.  I did.

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Ask Jeanne Shaheen – Where’s The Oversight?

According to this video (from Obama Isn’t Working.com) Mr. Obama has blown through $16 billion ($16,000,000,000.00) on public equity green energy gambles that have cost jobs and lost our money, much of it to Big Obama donors, and cronies.

So here’s a question?  New Hampshire Senator Jeanne Shaheen cut her teeth in her first Senate race by raging about taxpayer hand outs to big oil.  These “Handout’s,” as it turns out, were actually incentives that reduced how much of those Oil companies legal profits would be taxed.  Less taxes on the oil companies money, not handing them billions of our money.  Most people don’t know the difference, they just see the spin.

So how does that compare to Mr. Obama and his Department of Energy giving direct grants and loans (of our money),  totaling tens of billions, to companies that are all going bankrupt or out of business?  (No Spin.)  Does it make a difference that Senator Shaheen is a huge supporter of Green energy boondoggles, sits on the Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources, as well as three Energy Subcommittees on Energy, Public Lands and Forests, and Water and Power, who would presumably have some interest in how that money is being wasted?

Where is the legislative oversight Senator Shaheen?  We are out 16 Billion (so far), and I can’t recall hearing a peep out of you about that.

Video on the Jump.

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The ‘Bain’ Of Green Boondoggles

Following Skip, who followed me, here is White House Propaganda Minister Jay Carney attempting to articulate the differences between private venture capitalism (Romney/Bain/private money/80% success) and Green Venture Corporatism (Obama/Cronyism/ Public money/ Billions lost for nothing). From Allahpundit c/o Hot Air For one thing, Bain evidently did due diligence on the companies it bought instead … Read more

Evil Energy Speculators

Thanks to commenter JackL for the reminder; that Jeanne “no oversight” Shaheen, Barack ‘Boondoggle’ FauxBama and the Democrats have always relied on the lie that rising energy prices were the result of “Evil Oil Speculators.”

Evil Speculators…speculators…

Isn’t what Mr. Obama, Secretary Chu, and Senate Energy Committee maven Greene Jeanne Shaheen have done, energy speculation?  Aren’t they energy speculators?  What else do you call investing tens of billions in the future value of green energy?  It’s energy speculation.

Well how is that working out so far?

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WH Knew Before Solyndra Workers Flew…

Solyndra Crime Scene Photo- Mr. Obama pretend to be inteested in how he wastes your money
"And over here Mr. President, Is where we wasted another hundred million..."

The Solyndra Scam continues to develop and Hot Air has the dropon the latest document dump from the White House.  That’s Ed Morrissey’s headline up there.  And this is all just another political cover up courtesy of the Democrat party.

The Obama administration pressured Solyndra to keep quiet about impending layoffs until after the November 2010 election and we have this nifty little paper trail to prove it.

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Democrat Green Graft Stops Continuing Resolution

If the Democrats had passed a budget we wouldn’t be doing this at all. If the left in Congress had not broken the law and refused to write or pass a budget we would not be here. If the demolition party had not obstructed every effort by Republicans to pass a budget, to eliminate the need for continuing resolutions, there would be no debate about refunding the government every few months.

It’s Not Easy Being Green…

In a profanity strewn diatribe before the Aspen Institute, Gore said mean things about scientists who must be on the payroll of some arch-nemesis bent on brainwashing everyone into letting the evil genius destroy the planet. This, as opposed to all the “scientists” (economists, journalists, confidence men) who have been hiding the decline or crowding out dissent to keep the billions in taxpayer dollars rolling in to keep them “on message.”

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