One of the Pillars of our American Constitutional Republic is that of the Right of Private Property. What is mine, IS mine – and not yours. Nor is it yours to take or to lay claim to it in any way.
Arnie Arnison – Life’s a mess so give Governments more of your money
While I haven’t talked with Arnie Arnison for years. I have to say that she is an honest Democrat operative/pundit/politician. She believes what she believes and keeps to her principles. I just completely disagree with her – like in this LTE (Letter to the Editor) in the Concord Monitor.
We demand that 2+2 = 5 – “‘Genital preferences’ are transphobic.”
The first time I read this post, I was very confused: gays, lesbians, and gender dysphoric males, gender dysphoric females. Attraction, sex, and epithets thrown all around because the different groups won’t play well with each other. It made my head hurt and I blame the Left for, once again, bastardizing our common language.
Sidenote: I’m tired of having to use the Left’s language in any kind of debate or discussion so I’m no longer going to use transgender. After all, he who controls the language, controls both the ideas, the debates, and the outcomes. So I refuse to play by their rules anymore. Deal with it. Other Conservatives should consider this idea – and then follow suit.
Stalin – #2 undermine America’s morality
Having written my post that explored Communist Joe Stalin’s words as a riff on Steve’s post, I just stared when I saw this over at Instapundit: Morality? As the Progressives increasing decide that subject after subject, issue after issue, that there should be “No Stigma” – what traditional social mores are left that keep that … Read more
Gosnell – the aborted-but-born-alive baby killer. Yes, this is an apt analogy…
Abortion is not pretty – it is death up close. Oh sure, the Progressives call it “choice” and make it sound like “no big thing”. NARAL and Planned Parenthood call it “reproductive health”: yeah, this emphasis on calling a baby’s death anything but what it is ends up looking like this: (Image H/T: CNSNews) That’s … Read more
EMail Doodlings – “You all owe me”
There are a few people with whom I converse with a lot – some agree with me all of the time, and some agree with me most (but not all) of the time. This is from a gentleman that used to agree with me hardly at all (in the beginning) but now keeps seeing the actions rather than just passively listening to the words. He complains (rightfully!) (emphasis mine):
Skip – twice in the last week I’ve heard comments about Social Security that made me realize how far apart our perceptions are.
The first was from an 82 yr old nurse, who bemoaned the fact she wasn’t part of a union and didn’t have a pension, and she was living off of SS and it just wasn’t enough.
Now I realize nurses aren’t treated the best, but I don’t understand why she feels we owe her a pension. Yeah, she’s a democrat.
The 2nd is from a pastor who wants to convert the amt a congregation pays into his synod mandated pension, into cash so he can pay down his student loans.
Sounds reasonable, except when he was asked about cleaning out his pension and the penalties incurred, he was ambivalent and said not to worry – SS would be there for him. And he didn’t want it counted as income – he just wanted the congregation to pay down his loan directly (tax avoidance). Ambivalent I understand – it wasn’t his money in the pension plan, and he wasn’t going without to plan for his retirement. Typical pastoral attitude – he expects to be taken care of. But just how smart is someone with a master’s degree and over $100K in loans, taking a career that pays $1K/wk? His wife also has a master’s with over $100K in loans, and stays home with a newborn.Yeah, he’s a democrat.
I am under the (misguided?) impression that SS is there to keep old folks out of the food pantry lines, and volunteering at the food pantry instead, for as long as possible.
Never did I suspect it was intended as a retirement or pension plan. My parents had a different take on money – 10% went to the church, 10% went to their parents, 10% went to savings, and the rest is what they lived off of. And my parents weren’t Rockerfellers – my dad never made more than the “average” annual income. And yet my parents sent 4 kids to college. hmmm
thx for letting me vent.
A socialist society is a selfish society – and as Government does more and more (notice that I did not say Society!), people expect and then demand more and more. And in the Pastor example above, the worth of other peoples’ money and contributions become meaningless and of little worth because, well, it is EXPECTED. Think of it this way – which is more appreciated? Something that you know should be part of life, that has become “the norm”? Or something that someone gives you out of the blue for little reason at all (and for the trifecta – something that you have actually had to go out and earn)? My response:
Internet Doodlings – Greenies want more, don’t like I’m pointing out we’re broke
Congress, Please Don’t Cut Funding for Bike and Pedestrian Programs
In the U.S., cities and states provide most of the funds for bike and pedestrians developments, but the federal government also provides essential funds without which many very important projects wouldn’t have been possible. The previous transportation bill, which was signed into law in 2005 by a Republican Congress and Republican president, supported that vital infrastructure funding. But the current federal government isn’t so keen on creating alternatives to cars: “The Senate has passed a bill that by and large preserves the status quo, but the House of Representatives has tried to eliminate bike and pedestrian programs.”
OK, back to TreeHugger for another go (no, I don’t make a general habit of commenting there but after a while, I get tired of seeing the “gimme hands” always out as if the Federal Government is just another name for Santa Claus or view it as a bottomless money pit simply ready for the bucket to go down and when it comes up, their pet project is funded. Realization of the nations current fiscal status – pretty much either nil or determined obliviousness.
So, seeing yet another iteration of “get that free money for MY important project” gimme mentality, I could not help myself:
We’re $16 Trillion in the hole here, folks – when does the spending stop? In reading this site, I keep seeing pleas to do with less – how about with less Federal spending. If something is THAT important, why not persuade your local level of government to spring for these kinds of projects – after all, it benefits the local community.
And if they won’t, doesn’t that send a message?
Really, if something is that important to a local community, shouldn’t they be self-responsible for paying for their own needs (or wants)? I have never understood the outlook of “hey, we want something – but let’s get somebody else to pay for it”. Silly me; as I was growing up from childhood to adulthood, that had a name: selfishness. But, this is today and that, seeming, was a more mature time.
Well, that was not well received by the Greenie Keynesians – after all, they can’t go green on their own dime, can they?