“Gun Control” – that’s just so HARSH. WMUR approves of Obama Administration’s Politically Correct term: “safety”

by Skip

During lunch I wanted to find out what the weather was going to be so I switched on WMUR and listened to Melinda Davenport read the update on the Presidential Gun Task Force:

Well, the gun debate continues to heat up.  VP Joe Biden kicked off his gun violence task force yesterday by meeting with gun violence survivors and safety groups.  Today he sat down with the other side of this controversial topic as he he meets with the NRA.  The task force will make recommendations for gun policy changes at the end of the month.

Note that?  Nice to see the constant slide of the Left in changing their chameleon skins – and the Media’s complicity in helping out.  Back in the late 1800s and early 1900s, they called themselves “Progressives*.  They so wore out their welcome with that word, they decided to alter ego themselves and merely change their names “Hey, we’re Liberals – we’re NEW and DIFFERENT”.  Yeah, so different, they had to start back using their old name “Progressive”.  Same people, different names, same regressive philosophy.  Truthfulness in advertising? No – language perversion in the cause of collectivism winning out over Liberty & Freedom.

Hardly.  They have one LARGE fundamental problem – if they called themselves, and their policies, exactly what their heartfelt policies would result in, nobody would go for them.  Their real monniker should be “Hiders” – especially amongst the Political Class Progressives who couldn’t be elected dog catcher, in many cases, if their true ends were known with ALL of the ramifications.

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Do our betters truly wish us to be this helpless?

by Skip

I bookmark 100 times the number of other writers’ posts than what I can ever comment on.  Sometimes, I “find them” again – like this one.   If I was on “the other side”, I might put up as a Notable Quote – but sadly, I consider it to be an ignoble one.  American Federation of Teachers, Randi Weingarten, on gun control and school safety:

Firearms have absolutely no place in our schools—the Dec. 14, 2012, tragic massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn., is a chilling and heartbreaking reminder of this. Permitting firearms in schools—visible or concealed—enables a dangerous set of circumstances that can result in similar tragic outcomes. We should be doing everything we can to reduce the possibility of any gunfire in schools, and concentrate on ways to keep all guns off school property and ensure the safety of children and school employees.

The school had upgraded its facilities in the name of safety – glass, door, buzzer, cameras.  They had practiced the drills for lockdown.  The police had done their part with drills on active shooters.  They arrived 20 minutes after Adam Lanza killed his mother (breaking the law), stole her AR (breaking the law), stole her Sig handgun (breaking the law), stole another handgun  (breaking the law), stole a shotgun (breaking the law), stole her car (breaking the law), illegally entered the building (breaking the law), and began his murderous rampage of revenge ( (breaking the law multiple times).

I read Weingarten’s words then and just read them again.  And I think of Victoria Soto, the first grade teacher that put locked her door, put her students into a closet….and then waited.  Hearing the screams.  Hearing the gunfire. And scared to think that she and her charges would be next.  Helpless.

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It was only a matter of time for the low-lifes to show up….

by Skip

SOMEBODY has to be responsible, right?  NY Daily News:

A lawyer who’s asking to sue Connecticut for $100 million on behalf of a 6-year-old Newtown school shooting survivor who heard violence over the school’s intercom system says the potential claim is about improving school security, not money.

It’s about living in a world that’s safe,” New Haven attorney Irving Pinsky told The Associated Press on Saturday. “The answer is about protecting the kids.”

…The child heard “conversations, gunfire and screaming” over Sandy Hook’s intercom after someone in the office apparently switched on the system, according to the claim. Pinsky said Saturday he didn’t know whether his client saw anyone die.

The state Board of Education, Department of Education and state education commissioner failed to protect the child “from foreseeable harm,” including by failing to provide a safe school setting, the filing said.

And this is the problem with both our legal system AND in the fantasy land that Progressives and Liberals live in – note to the not-able-to-think-things-thru clueless “thinkers” and Utopians, there is not such thing that exists that is “living in a world that’s safe“.  Never has been in history and never will be either. However, in this modern world where so many are truly disconnected of the reality of real life when the veneer of civilization is removed (re: look at how tough life really is for those in third world countries without our “advanced accommodations”).  There is true evil in the world that no planning and no drilling can account for.  What we saw in Connecticut was that true evil in full view – yet the Progressives wish to either pass over that gruesome fact at best and ignore it at worst.  After all, we can’t have a Utopia without “progressed” people (either on their own or “nudged” (usually by force) into it by Government) can we, and EVIL people just so screw up that narrative of what is possible.  Thus, the anger over guns – which services two purposes – hides the fact that the Progressive Utopia can never be achieved (and is unable to sustain it self to boot) and serves to disarm folks (making it harder for opposition to react and oppose such a forced march to Utopianville).

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