Melissa Blasek

Postmortem Analysis of the Red Puddle

On election night Republicans were all doom and gloom as they watched their hopes of a red tsunami crash. And while the historic precedent existed for such a victory and every poll had predicated it, looking back, the wreckage isn’t as devastating as Republicans perceived it.

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What Makes a Good NHGOP Chairman?

I was sitting with Secretary of State William Gardner yesterday discussing the 2018 election. He is very concerned with manner in which the Democrats fought this last election. They created Political Action Committees (PAC) upon PACs, designed to obscure the source of the money, most of which was from out of State. They began their … Read more

Using the Law to ‘Legally’ Steal Elections?

voter checklist - legalized vote fraud in NHJudge Lewis made it legal for out of state residents to vote in New Hampshire.  It’s not quite that simple but he essentially legalized out of state voter influence on your local election (vote fraud) which is not actually a new idea but may have been executed on a massive scale this week.

Now you’d have to be a bit immoral or unethical to take unfair advantage of such a legal loophole, yes?  To find and encourage people to participate in such a scheme?  Well what if a certain political party did just that?  If they used a legal loophole, secured by a liberal Judge, in response to a suit brought by Liberal activist groups, then used their massive canvassing database to target polling places where they could tip elections in their favor?  That would be crazy talk.  Legally robbing other people of their voice with out of state voters?

So I suppose we’d need some proof to make that case?  Well guess what.  You can help us gather it.

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