How About a Little NH Vote Fraud Scarecrow?

Rep. Howard Pearl, Canterbury, shares what he calls a canary in the vote fraud coalmine. A story about 116 same-day election registrants, none whom accepted an invitation to attend a local event. Zero.

Related: Fake News Award Winner Debunks NH Vote Fraud – Or Maybe Not

Canterbury is a wonderful town I represent as a legislator. Before a recent legislative listening session in the village, I mailed or had hand-delivered personalized invitations to each of the 116 same-day registrants from last fall’s elections.

Zero, yes zero, showed up. I have had several returned in the mail to me stating “Return to Sender. No Such Street.” This outreach opened my eyes to how easy it would be for fraudulent voter registration to occur.

That seems statistically unlikely. But then it doesn’t. As Howard notes,

Reportedly, the secretary of state has a list of 5,313 same-day registrants from 2016 who used out-of-state licenses to register. Few went on to establish residency. It’s tricky and time consuming to address this problem. And Democrats claim we don’t know how same-day registrants vote.

But we do know.

Consider the college towns of Durham, Keene, Hanover and Plymouth, which are particularly replete with same-day student registrants from out of state. Last year those towns collectively voted 19,128 to 5,215 (almost 80 percent) for Democratic congressional candidates. So, Democrats claim everything’s fine.

The Real Victims are Legitimate NH Voters

The current scheme benefits Democrats. Efforts to undermine our loose election laws are met, as Mr. Pearl notes (and we’ve reported often) with an accusation of voter suppression or racism.

Observers familiar with the process understand that the moment the Left uses these terms (add bigotry or discrimination) it means you’re on to something.

In their heart, the Left doesn’t give a damn about gender, race or anything else if it doesn’t come with an uncompromising loyalty to the god of government and their position as It’s only true messengers.

Your victim card is immediately revoked if you dare blasphemy the Progressive dogma of Democrat socialism. Neither age, nor race, nor location on the gender spectrum will protect you from the fiery hatred the left will direct your way.

A constant reminder that when they say they are fighting for someone’s rights, what they mean is their right to rule without interference form you. And these residency and domicile games continue to their ticket to that crown.

| Concord Monitor

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