Move Over Peacock, Make Room For Mika And Rachel

In a fast-moving story culminating in the shortest career ever at the NBC News Network, Ronna McDaniel is officially out as a political analyst at MSNBC. The inmates have taken over the asylum as the top echelon of the network has bent their knees, apologized to, and assuaged their celebrity talking heads who began their temper tantrums on air Sunday morning.

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Ronna To MSNBC … You Should NOT Be Surprised

MSNBC (NBC), CNN, ABC, CBS, etc. want you to hear from Republicans … FAUX-Republicans whose role is to attack real Republicans. Stated somewhat differently, a real Republican would never get a gig on the Regime-media because the Regime-media is advocacy not journalism and their role is to advocate for the Regime and against the opposition.

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