WAR ROOM EXC: RNC Reps Colluded With CCP Against Trump

Steve Bannon’s “WAR ROOM” co-host and correspondent Natalie Winters broke a story this week that implicates sitting RNC Committee Chairman and Treasurer as colluding with the Chinese Communist Party regarding “campaign strategies” for Republican candidates.

An annual event titled The U.S.-China High-Level Political Party Leaders Dialogue has seen former and now current RNC officials being flown to China for all-expenses-paid trips to discuss pro-CCP positions brought home to the U.S. at odds with the America First (re: MAGA) policies of Donald Trump and fellow America first Republicans.

Citing an apparent “national security threat,” the article implicates former and current RNC leaders who participated, including Former Chairman Ed Gillespie, Former RNC Chairman Jim Nicholson, Former RNC Treasurer Anthony Parker, and Former RNC Chairman Robert Duncan.

“Additionally, brochures obtained from the 2016 edition of the U.S.-China High-Level Political Party Leaders Dialogue reveal that the then-RNC-Treasurer Tony Parker attended to “discuss campaign strategies and prospects for U.S.-China relations under the new Trump administration.”

As the documents recount:

‘Following the CPC dialogue with the bipartisan U.S. delegation, the EastWest Institute also facilitated meetings for the CPC with senior Republican officials—former Republican National Committee (RNC) chairman Mike Duncan, current RNC treasurer Tony Parker and United States Economic and Security Review Commissioner Dan Slane—to further discuss campaign strategies and prospects for U.S.-China relations under the new Trump administration.’

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