wind farm

Everything is Big in Texas, Even the Grid Failures

If you’d like a decent look at the real problems with the electric grid in Texas, this is a good investment of your time. It provides some common-sense explanation of the math problem tied to the policy failures and how a Republican Governor who is a big advocate of fossil fuels is responsible.

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GrokTALK! – Who’s The ‘Conservative’?

We opened yesterday with some discussion on Rick Perry’s entrance into the Republican primary, then on to some thoughts about the recent Scott Walker event, and how some Republicans call everyone a conservative (or even a good conservative) when to an actual conservative most of them come up short (and some shorter than others).   … Read more

Competency counts

by Skip

Exhibit A.  Barack Obama.  My, he looks so uncomfortable “skeet” shooting (one of those photo-ops trying to show him trying to “be one of the guys”). Then there is a guy who actually knows how to shoot a long gun; of course, it’s the guy from Texas: It was unfortunate how his run for President … Read more

Perry Drops Out

Not sure I need to say much more, but when has that ever stopped me? Perry had a huge advantage but squandered it by being too casual about the public debate personae.  The end result was the crash and burn of an otherwise competent conservative with far fewer negatives than the rest of the field … Read more

Republikinz-R -Stoopid?

Michelle Malkin discusses the lefts age old narrative about Republicans being dumb, and the recent attacks on Rick Perry. The obvious comparison, and she says it herself, “Dumb compared to who?” Great point. We’ve got more University economic egg-heads roaming the White House than you can shake a ruler at and yet they have to the last come up with nothing but a series of failed polices that have a) failed to meet any of their own genius exclamations and expectations and b) made things worse. It’s fun all the way through so take six minutes out of your morning and watch Malkin work.

While Everyone is Pissed Off at Rick Perry

Romney is not the presumptive winner, not because of Rick Perry, but because most Republicans really are still looking for a candidate they can get behind and Perry is the best high-profile “not Romney” candidate to come forward.

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