Not sure I need to say much more, but when has that ever stopped me?
Perry had a huge advantage but squandered it by being too casual about the public debate personae. The end result was the crash and burn of an otherwise competent conservative with far fewer negatives than the rest of the field (if we’re talking about Conservatives.) Perceived as too inarticulate, brow-beaten over immigration, a painted rock, and Gardasil, by the time he found his campaign voice everyone had moved on up the road a piece.
But it is what it is. With barely 6% of the vote in a southern state, the Texas Governor’s backers are telling him to pack it in. (Google Perry and you’ll find a dozen links or more on the impending departure.)
The press conference is scheduled for 11:00 am.
Tonight’s Debate will feature just four candidates. The winnowing continues.