Competency counts

by Skip
Spot the deliberate mistakes :)
Spot the deliberate mistakes 🙂

Exhibit A.  Barack Obama.  My, he looks so uncomfortable “skeet” shooting (one of those photo-ops trying to show him trying to “be one of the guys”).

Then there is a guy who actually knows how to shoot a long gun; of course, it’s the guy from Texas:

It was unfortunate how his run for President turned out in 2010 – I still love his line of “My goal is to make Washington as inconsequential to your daily life as possible” – even with all the political blogging we do here, I would MUCH rather not have to think of politics or what government is doing to me.  If that line was true, I could be rather happy.  Given that Progressives hate guns (and hate the people believe they have the right to defend themselves) and that line that is a direct assault on their secular religion (Government is good and bigger is better), it could be interesting if he starts giving signals that he’s contemplating another run.

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