MANCHESTER, NH September 13, 2019– The Manchester Board of School Committee’s Special Committee on Negotiations and the Manchester Education Association’s Negotiations Committee met for nearly three hours on September 11, 2019.
Rich Girard
Rich Girard: “I will not be a candidate for reelection” in Manchester.
The Democrats in Manchester will be excited. Rich Girard has announced that he will not be running for re-election to the Board of School Committee.
CNHT Annual Picnic: the Intro Ceremonies and Rich Girard
The Coalition of NH Taxpayers held their Annual Picnic this past Saturday. Following our normal pattern, we videoed the events for the day. And of course (with the exception of Victoria Sullivan earlier this morning), we’ll proceed in chronological order. So, here is the intro ceremonies and remarks: And that was followed by Rich Girard … Read more
CNHT – The MicroInterviews: Rich Girard
Former talk show host and current Manchester School Board member Rich Girard… Sidebar: RICH! RUN FOR RE-ELECTION!!! Now back to your regularly scheduled MicroInterview … was at CNHT’s Annual Picnic this past Saturday and was willing to talk with after he had addressed the assembled crowd inside. It’s always good to talk with Rich!
Democrat David Scannell Resigns from the Manchester Board of School Committee
Manchester Democrat David Scannell is resigning. Readers will recognize the name. Scannell is at the center of an orchestrated political hit against a fellow board of school committee member Rich Girard.
And Then, Just Like That, Student Privacy Didn’t Matter in Manchester
Mayor Craig sits atop the Board of School Committee. By all accounts, her office, the Mayors office, is heavy-handed in that role. The as-yet-unconfirmed rumor is that this interference is behind the abrupt departure of Superintendent Bolgen Vargas. It is also in play when it comes to partisan politics, student privacy, and the law.
Rachel Phelan’s Democrat Parents Probably “Leaked” their Daughter’s Email
When I asked a few weeks back “who leaked the email“ I was referring to the email from Rich Girard to Rachel Phelan. We know who leaked the letter from her lawyer. That was David Scannell. But what about the email. The one that set up the political theater during a public session where they … Read more
Manchester Ward 2 School Board Member David Scannell Broke the Law – is a Double Standard Developing?
The “I didn’t know” defense? “There isn’t a member of this board that does not know that when a legal action is threatened against the board it is a confidential matter,” said Girard. “And the leaking of that letter divulged the very information I was accused of divulging.” A motion to have school district attorneys investigate … Read more
Manchester Democrat(s) Using a Student for a Political Smear is the Scandal
In the wake of David Scannell’s admission that he violated a student’s privacy (and probably several laws), we should consider how we arrived at this act of lawlessness. It began when someone leaked an email Mr. Girard’s sent to a voter/constituent. From all the statements and reporting I can find, Rich Girard only sent the email … Read more
Manchester Fool Committee Strikes Again
There is a cost for electing liberal political hacks to a school board, or committee, and a shining example of “hacknoxiousness” is sitting on the Manchester School Committee Board right now. Enter one – Ward 2 Committeeman David Scannell. Does this “ward” title mean mental ward? It looks like the standard, “Let’s Get Committeeman Rich … Read more
Manchester Democrat David Scannell Violates Student Privacy (and the law?) for Political Hit
Manchester Democrat David Scannell has admitted to leaking a letter from a lawyer to the Manchester Board of School Committee about a student. Scannell is claiming the public had a right to know. But legal communications are typically exempt, and he knows that. That’s not the only hole in his story. His claim is riddled with them.
Press Release: The School District Governance Association of NH: 1st Amendment Rights and the Manchester School Board
Press Release: 12/6/2018
Contact: Skip Murphy (
School District Governance Association of New Hampshire
First Amendment Rights in School District Governance
The SDGA holds that the preexisting Rights enumerated in the First Amendment are sacrosanct and must never be infringed upon even in difficult situations such as we see taking place with the Manchester School Board (“MSB”). We speak of MSB members castigating another member for using the District’s email system in factually correcting an 18 year old student’s Op-ed that criticized the current teacher contract negotiations that was published both the student newspaper and an outside media website.
We side with the First Amendment in all cases – it is what distinguishes America from almost all other nations in allowing the free flow of ideas without Government coercion. It either holds true in all cases or merely becomes a privilege doled out by those in power – which the MSB members seemingly are doing. Thus, we speak out in defense of Rachel Phelan’s Right to Free Speech in her right to criticize the MSB’s efforts during this contract negotiation.
Similarly, we also speak out in defense of Rich Girard’s
Quick Thought: Karen Hewes
From the Union Leader Op-Ed on what we call “Dems hating on Rich Girard” was this gem: Meanwhile, the student and her parents have a lawyer, who apparently missed the law school class on free speech and the First Amendment. If Girard doesn’t “immediately stop discussing’’ the student editor on public TV or at any … Read more
Who Violated the Law in Manchester, Mayor Craig, and Leaked a Confidential Letter to the Press?
Local New Hampshire media recently reported on a letter from a lawyer representing a student to Manchester School Board member Rich Girard. That confidential document was leaked to the press in violation of New Hampshire Right to Know law. The list of people who had access is short enough that Mayor Joyce Craig should be able … Read more
Manchester Democrats Are Afraid of Rich Girard.
The Left likes to tell you who scares them. One of the signs or symptoms of this condition is hyperbolic imaginings. Organized into a systematic hit. Like those on display from Manchester Democrats directed at Board of School Committee member Rich Girard. It’s not just THAT they are accusing him of inappropriate communications with a … Read more
Mayor Craig, Please Put Parents and Teachers First, Not D.C. Bureaucrats
Mayor Joyce Craig responded to an article in the Manchester Union Leader saying, “in her mind, the points raised in Girard’s blog don’t raise any red flags.” This was in response to School Board Member Rich Girard withdrawing support for Manchester Proud. “It’s a community-driven effort,” said Craig. “We’ve got residents, business leaders, colleges and universities who have … Read more
One Year Later – A Lack of H.O.P.E. In Manchester Schools
Finally, the Manchester School Committee’s “secret” meeting about secret dealings regarding spending on a program, not supervised or approved by the Committee, hit the public.
Once again it took a pry bar for Manchester taxpayers to see where funding for another program, which looks suspiciously like the special interest of a single employee of the school, comes from.
The “pry bar” in this respect was a group of dedicated elected officials on the school committee who cling to the public’s right to know.
If the Left Wants Love Not Hate What’s with all the Threats and Intimidation?
This week on No Safe Spaces Rich and I discuss the contradiction between the “Love not Hate” protesters at a recent Steve Bannon event and all the intimidation and threats of violence against everyone involved with the Dinner that preceded it.
Feeling Virtuous About Diversity is More Important Than (…)
This week Rich and Steve discuss the left’s diversity cult and its connections to an Uzbeck Jihadi Assassin, Antifa, intolerant college kids, and Free Speech.
Misleading Constitutional Amendments
This morning, after a slew of technical problems, I managed to get about six minutes of my new segment in with Rich Girard. We very quickly discussed the LSR submitted by Newmarket Democrat Ellen Read that I wrote about earlier today.