Shane Sirois, a rep from the lovely red town of New Ipswich, emailed me, identifying himself as a member of the Vax Injury Caucus. He was putting out an all-hands-on-deck call for action because SB 319 had a hearing in the Senate HHS committee on 1/10/24. Like I’ve said before, Nashua owes red towns its gratitude for serving us unserved folks in the House.
Regina Birdsell
An Open Letter to Four Senate Finance Committee members
Greetings, committee members. While I haven’t read all 149 pages of the budget heading your way, I know some who have. This email could easily get very long, but I will try to keep it short and focus on my biggest grievances against the House for passing it.
N.H. Democrats Confirm Support for “Post-Birth Abortion”
Regina Birdsell recently released an op-ed in support of the Born Alive Infant Act, SB 741. It ran on the Grok: I brought forward the Born Alive Infant Act, SB 741, in order to ensure that a baby who takes its first breath receives all reasonable medical actions needed to preserve their life, regardless of … Read more
The New Hampshire GOP Shows, Yet Again, That It Is The Stupid Party
This: Let’s be real. The Democrats’ primary objective is NOT regulating inaugural committees. It is embarrassing Sununu. The Democrats had zero interest in “inaugural slush funds,” “self-dealing” blah, blah, blah when Maggie or Lynchie or Jeannie were doing the slushing: Since Hassan did not have to file reports disclosing her inaugural activity, there are no … Read more
The Viability of Principles (In the Womb of the Senate)
Over 40 states (including liberal states) have protections for pre-born children killed in the womb as a result of criminal act but some elected officials would rather take the low road bringing into question the “viability” of their principles in the ‘womb’ of the state senate.
GrokTV – Panel Discussion: Making your vote count – The Panelists
As stated in the last post, four panelists spoke as Diane Bitter, Rye Republican Chair moderated. Again, the panelists: Jack Thorsen (Portmouth City Coucilor andNH GOP area vice-chair) – The 11/6/12 General Election – results of the voting process and how the counting is handled NH State Rep. Regina Birdsell – Voting Laws, who is … Read more