N.H. Democrats Confirm Support for “Post-Birth Abortion”

Regina Birdsell recently released an op-ed in support of the Born Alive Infant Act, SB 741. It ran on the Grok:

I brought forward the Born Alive Infant Act, SB 741, in order to ensure that a baby who takes its first breath receives all reasonable medical actions needed to preserve their life, regardless of the circumstances of their birth.

Babies who take their first breath deserve a fighting chance. Currently, under New Hampshire law, it is perfectly legal to let an infant born alive during the course of an abortion die by withholding medical care.

Here is the reaction of Michale Beyer, one of Ray Buckley’s talking-heads:

Lest you think this was just Beyer speaking for Beyer, the tweet was liked by the official New Hampshire Democrat Party twitter:

AND retweeted by the official New Hampshire Democrat Party twitter and various other Ray Buckley talking-heads:

The New Hampshire Democrats are DEPRAVED. They are supporting killing … yes willfully withholding medical care to a helpless human being is killing … a human being and perhaps WORSE they refuse to acknowledge that that human being is even a human being … which is what the Nazis said about the Jews.

It’s a small step from saying newborn infants aren’t human … and therefore there is no duty to provide medical care … to saying, for example, that elderly people aren’t really human and therefore don’t get medical care either:

The New Hampshire Democrats are DEPRAVED.


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