Night Cap: No Elected Official Is Above the Law

All elected officials, from the President of the United States down to those who serve their towns as public library trustees, take an oath of office. While the wording of these oaths might differ, they have one thing in common: they require the oath-taker to support the United States Constitution.

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Books library

How I Became a Conservative Library Trustee

Do you believe in miracles? How I became a library trustee was a modern-day miracle in my town of Raymond NH. It all started when a homeschool-dad named Mike Drago who is now a state representative spoke to me about the children’s section of our library.

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Raymond NH logo

Attention Raymond PARENTS: NO to Digital Tracking and Digital Badges for Your Children & SCHOOL Board Meeting

After finding out that the Raymond school district was tracking children with digital badges, it appears as if they are going to go forward with this PBIS program. This time it looks like they will at least follow the law. They’ve been using the digital badges for a while now, but the administrators did not follow … Read more

Raymond School District SAU 33

Complaint Against Raymond SAU33 for Violating New Hampshire Law

The following 91-a Right To Know Request was sent to the Superintendent in SAU33/Raymond School District after I received notification that students were wearing digital badges to track their behavior. I’ve also been told that other districts are using the same surveillance devices on their students. New Hampshire law requires a digital tracking device to … Read more

Dudley-Tucker Library Raymond NH

So, Kids Could Download “Porn” from the Public Library Without their Parents Knowing?

Dear Selectmen,

Have you browsed in the Dudley Tucker Library lately? I encourage you to do so. There is porn and/ or graphic sexual description in the YA section.

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I voted sticker

Is It Time to Move from Voting Machines to Hand Counted Ballots

I got this yesterday and I have a feeling that there are a lot of other folks around the State of NH  harboring similar thoughts when it comes to counting ballots. Can’t say I blame them!

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Pete Buttigieg is Exploring a Presidential Bid in NH: Did Anyone Think to Ask Him About This?

South Bend, Indiana Mayor Pete Buttigieg spent yesterday in New Hampshire. About 100 people showed up to hear the likely Democrat Presidential candidate in Raymond, New Hampshire. Buttigieg is young. Only 37 years old. But he’s got the far-left agenda down. He recently vetoed a city council measure to allow a Pregnancy Care Center in his city. His reason? Violence.

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