Pete Buttigieg is Exploring a Presidential Bid in NH: Did Anyone Think to Ask Him About This?

Steve MacDonald

South Bend, Indiana Mayor Pete Buttigieg spent yesterday in New Hampshire. About 100 people showed up to hear the likely Democrat Presidential candidate in Raymond, New Hampshire. Buttigieg is young. Only 37 years old. But he’s got the far-left agenda down. He recently vetoed a city council measure to allow a Pregnancy Care Center in his city. His reason? Violence.

Buttigieg exercised his veto power to deny low-income women on South Bend’s west side access to pregnancy care and parenting resources. Even more concerning, his reasons for the veto were grounded in the baseless accusations of abortion-rights activists, who demanded that he block the WCC because it had chosen a lot next to where Whole Women’s Health wishes to open an abortion clinic.

The only concrete rationale Buttigieg offered for his veto was a statistic, provided to him by Whole Women’s Health, purporting to show that abortion clinics “in close proximity” to PRCs are at a higher risk for violence.

While there is evidence that abortion is an act of violence against a pre-born person there’s no real evidence of what Buttigieg suggests. The National Review Reporting explores it in more detail here. But the short answer is that this is a BS ploy.

They Are Not the Party of Choice

A Democrat mayor prevented pregnant women from having a choice other than abortion. Because pregnancy care centers cut into the abortion industries action.

Since the WCC opened in South Bend 34 years ago, the city’s abortion rate has dropped by 75 percent, according to data provided by the WCC. There are many reasons for declining abortion rates, of course, but one important factor is surely that thousands of women and families have received alternative care and support at WCC locations in the city.

The South Bend City Council approves the clinic. Buttigieg vetoed it for political reasons. The council didn’t have enough votes to override. So the west side of South Bend will get a new abortion clinic but no pregnancy care center.

And this guy wants to be your next president. In a field of Democrats who’d do the same thing.

And they still call themselves the party of choice.

Image: Screen Grab WSBT22


  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, blogger, and a member of the Board of directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor of, a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, and a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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