The Raymond Republican Town Committee Dissolution Situation Part II

Steve MacDonald

As I noted in the update to my original post alerting everyone that the NHGOP dissolving the Raymond Town Committee, I observed that “One of the more clumsy ways to get more detail about a situation is to share what you know or have been told, “to get it out there. That worked.

We speculated based on what little information we had, and now we’ve got more. I received phone calls, emails, and attachments. To sum up, the Raymond Town Committee wasn’t working for some, and solving the problem inevitably ended at the state-party level.

A number of Raymond Republicans (more than six and fewer than twenty) have reached out, some to add detail and backstory and some to suggest I had my facts wrong. I expect a similar response to this post, so whatever happens, we’re here for you, man.

Based on numerous communications, issues and disagreements at the town committee level have been ongoing for most of Chair John O’Blenis’ tenure (years). Multiple sources state that individuals from the NHGOP to NH House leadership to local Raymond Republicans were aware and concerned about the “Raymond Town Committee” for some time. In other words, it doesn’t sound like anyone has a reason to be surprised.

I have received accusations of nepotism by the Committee Chair. I am told he was working for the Ayotte campaign (Paid) but never disclosed this to Committee members (who I am told were more pro-Chuck Morse). Allegations include the Chair’s lack of impartiality, being uncooperative and unable to work with fellow committee members and Republicans in town, having at least one illegal meeting, failing to provide regular and complete treasurer reports, and more.

Every new source, and there were many, suggests the Chair was combative and unproductive. It became evident to some that the problems they saw would never cease after what they claim were multiple efforts to address them at the town and county level. When that resulted in no resolution, it was elevated to the State GOP Exec Committee, which voted to make it all go away until after the election in November.

Having heard from both sides and Republicans inside and outside of the committee in Raymond, this should not have been a surprise to anyone, nor should they have been unnerved by the State EC being asked by Raymond Republicans to step in or the result.

The State Committee was asked to do this. It did not happen in a vacuum, and they did not want to be involved.

No one has to like it, and dissolving the committee doesn’t solve the problem in the long run. There are competing factions for control of what Republican priorities and leadership look like in Raymond, and those Republicans will have to work that out. But I didn’t encounter anyone who was a never-trumper, so at least they should agree.

People get out the vote without a town committee all the time. Sometimes they do a better job. You can still get the job done.

As to the obvious division or faction about Republican House candidates, there was a primary. It sounds like things got ugly. Get over yourselves and get those winning Republicans elected. They will at least listen to appeals from Republicans for liberty and individual rights. Elected Democrats will give you the finger and call you names if they even make the time to do that.

And yes, we’ll be taking a particular interest in any bad behavior, so try not to make it too easy.

I want to thank everyone for the solicited and unsolicited input.

Reminder: Anyone can submit an op-ed to agree, disagree, or just shout at the darkness. Submissions are not a guarantee of publication, but if you want to keep working this out in public, we’re here for you. But my advice to Raymond is to stow it until after November 5th and get your candidates into office.


  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, blogger, and a member of the Board of directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor of, a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, and a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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