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Public Libraries

Children rain boots

Why Can’t They Just Let Kids Be Kids?

Almost eighty years ago, Margaret Scoggin, a librarian at the New York Public Library, made an odd choice. As one of the founders of the NYPL children’s branch in the early 1940s, Scoggin had been contributing a column to Library Journal called “Books for Older Boys and Girls.”  In 1944, she inexplicably decided that her articles should …

Why Can’t They Just Let Kids Be Kids? Read More »

Alexi G. Illinois SoS

Unbanning the Banning of Banning books

Illinois just passed a law banning the banning of books in libraries. Actually, the state can’t really do that. What it can do is withhold state funding from libraries that restrict or ban materials because of ‘partisan or doctrinal’ disapproval.

New Hampshire AG Formella – Why Won’t You Enforce The Obscenity Laws?

Everyone in your office should be ashamed of themselves for not taking the porn in our schools and public libraries’ children’s section seriously! Mr. Formella, you need to pay attention to your constituents and step up and follow/uphold the laws on child porn now before more children are ruined.