If Keeping “Porn” Out of School and Public Libraries Is Banning Books, Then .... - Granite Grok

If Keeping “Porn” Out of School and Public Libraries Is Banning Books, Then ….

Books library

People claiming to be adults and not groomers are defending the use of adult-oriented material (porn) directed at kids in public schools, public libraries, and perhaps even classrooms. If you suggest they are not age-appropriate, they label you a book banner. First, F!!! You. Second?


  • Is anything anyone can get not in the catalog of a school or public library banned? If not, why not?
  • Do you think children should have unlimited access to alcohol, or are you a prohibitionist?
  • Why isn’t it unfair to keep anyone under a certain age from working in a long list of “good paying” jobs?
  • If children can read and learn about sex, are you okay with them engaging in oral, anal, or vaginal intercourse at any age, whenever they feel like it, as long as both parties consent?
  • Why can’t they get married at the age of 6 or 9, or 12?
  • Should we end juvenile detention and throw law-breaking child felons into prison gen-pop?
  • If they can put a c!! k in their mouth, why can’t they legally own property, buy stocks, gamble, play the lottery, or buy a car and drive?
  • Why can’t they lease property, sign contracts, file a lawsuit against another child or adult, or buy or sell marijuana?



Perhaps we should make age as tempestuous and temperamental as gender—a reflection of a mood or personality rather than defined by some number of days. You are only as old as you feel, they like to say, which brings us back to the list.

It has been understood for millennia that some things are not age-appropriate and that limiting access on these terms is reasonable and necessary. It is a very (VERY!) long list of things, but no one accuses anyone of banning them. Is it because the items are still available to everyone else? And if that’s the standard, limiting access to sexualized material is not a ban.

But if you’d like to keep calling it that, we’d be happy to make you look like the ass you are.


