GrokTALK! – Taxpayers On The Hook Again?

Taxpayers might be on the hook again as a local utility looks to divest itself of some property (with the legislatures help). Then there’s an election law bill that may make the definition of domicile worse (if you can imagine that). And we take a few shots at UNH because we are talking about domicile. … Read more

Why Did We Need RGGI?

With the recent approval of significant electric rate increases that will allow PSNH to recover some $67 million dollars a year in costs related to legislated state energy mandates (NH Renewable Standard and the RGGI tax), having this fall into my in-box could not have been more fortuitous.

From the journal Earth System Dynamics billed as “An Interactive Open Access Journal of the European Geosciences Union” comes this paper which suggests that the posited AGW forcing effects simply isn’t statistically significant in the observations, but other natural forcings are.

What that means is that a European Science journal is reporting a study that tried to consider all the data and all the factors that might influence global temperature change and human activity (AGW) was deemed statistically insignificant.  The things that drive temperature change–natural forcings–are what makes the world get warmer and cooler.

So why did we need RGGI?

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PUC Approves PSNH Rate Increase – Observe the Democrat’s Circular Green Firing Squad!

Winds of ChangeBack in September PSNH announced that it would need to rasie rates to deal with about 67 million dollars a year in costs associated with RGGI (and other state energy mandates)- a tax (RGGI) that Maggie Hassan was proud of, if you’ve forgotten.   (Grokster Tom also has a nice treatment of those same stories here.)

At the time of that announcement the estimated annual hike on rate payers was about $50.00 per year, more for commercial users obviously.  But the rate increase just approved by the New Hampshire Public Utilities Commission (PUC) will cost you a good deal more than that.  Make that a great deal more!

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Hurricane Sandy – NH is out of power

by Skip

Much worse in other states, to be sure.  But with 1.3 million people in the state, almost a quarter million customers are out of power.  Including many of the Groksters, so consider this your “blogging will be light today” notice. Just from PSNH, a map of their outages: Pray for the folks in along the … Read more

The Laundry Bill Comes Due (Bumped)

RGGI Map[Bumped: Given that Maggie Hassan is so proud to have sponsored this tax, I figured I’d revisit this post from September 30th]

Originally posted September 30th

The New Hampshire Sunday News has delivered what can only be called the dropping of the other boot on our necks.  I am referring to the impending rate hike by PSNH for state government mandates, including New Hampshire’s participation in the Region Greenhouse Gas Initiative, and the NH Renewable Portfolio Standard.

While rates have crept up for years this is the first real admission (I believe) by a local energy provider, that the time has come to deal with costs driven by the New Hampshire Democrat Parties war on cheap energy.  As a result the average rate payer will see their annual bill go up about 50.00 a year, with commercial and government customers paying significantly more, costs that will find their way into your tax bills and the cost of all goods and services, right when you need them the least.

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Good Call, Maggie – Higher Electric Rates for NH

by Tom

Maggie -The Red- Hassan

From inception, Maggie “The Red” Hassan has been a strong proponent of the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI), the “Cap and Trade” program that New Hampshire participates in with other northeastern states.  She was instrumental in its 2008 passing and continues to advocate strongly for this nonsensical government swindle.

Maggie -The Red- Hassan

On her campaign website, Maggie declares that RGGI is “good for the economy and the environment” and that it can “help our families and businesses save money on their energy costs“.

Aside from the fact that the RGGI revenue stream has been a severe disappointment (which should only disappoint the beneficiaries of it : enviro-tyrants, the Green industry, and big-government types looking to fill deficits), PSNH recently made a statement that effectively nullifies the argument that RGGI will reduce rates for consumers and businesses.

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“Not Our Fault, ” Says PSNH CEO Gary Long

“An excuse becomes an obstacle in your journey to success when it is made in place of your best effort or when it is used as the object of the blame.” Bo Bennett 

Wednesday, Public Service of New Hampshire President Gary Long went before The Governor and Executive Council and members of the Public Utilities Commission and shamelessly defended PSNH’s dismal response to the Halloween Snow storm that left thousands without power.

As conveyed in the Union Leader story yesterday, Long blamed the weather and trees, not PSNH and told the council he was, “quite proud of PSNH’s tremendous efforts,” calling the storm response “a success story.” Long took no responsibility. He even went so far as to blame customers, saying that all of the outages were caused by trees, most of which are were, outside the trim zone, fingering state laws for he says makes it hard to trim the trees. He blamed the rate payer for, “not being adequately prepared.”

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Your Renewable Future?

PSNH, New Hampshire’s largest supplier of electricitiy, is looking to adjust rates to compensate for lost revenue.  They lost the revenue because of decreased usage.  Usage has decreased because of the economy, but that presents us with a real world truth.  The implications of the liberal environmental movement do not match the facts. Enviro-weenies want you to reduce … Read more

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