Jill Biden Just Equated the Author of Gender Queer With Nazis

Jill Biden was singing to the choir the other evening when she spoke at the Human Rights Campaign Dinner, and I have to wonder if everyone there agreed with her claim that parents concerned about age-inappropriate material in school libraries are fascist.

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Books library

Night Cap: School Book Challenges – These are Not Self-Help Books by Therapists

Most of the testimony HB 1419 the other day was personal and about those poor teachers and those who think it’s ok to expose children to age-inappropriate materials. I could not attend the meeting, but here’s some enlightenment from someone who went through the “process” and the outcome.

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NHSBA NH Logo Screen Grab

Dear Legislature, Please Let Groomers and Perverts in Local School Districts Police Themselves

Your State probably has a commission for everything, with at least a handful of professional associations, some of whom are funded with dues from local governments to lobby on their behalf, against you.

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Amendment 1

Night Cap: The 1st Amendment does Not Protect Exposing Children to Explicit Material

The “banning books” bullies, by whom I mean the groomers ranting about how trying to keep kids away from porn is banning books, might want to lawyer up. A case in New York has brought an unpleasant truth to the head of the line in this debate.

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Groomer Lit (101) – A 2023-2024 ‘Pubic’ School Year Primer for Librarians, School Boards, And Superintendants

As the debate over inappropriate content rolls forward into the 2023-2024 school year, porn advocates continue to push back against efforts by parents and taxpayers to address access to content that may be inappropriate for kids.

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toilet face flush

Boy Toy: Public Toilet Morality

Have you heard of “Boy Toy”? It’s a book Dover School Library retains on its shelf. The plot of Boy Toy is centered around the sexual abuse of a boy by his female teacher. Not only is the story filth but page upon page is laced with profanity.

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Dover school kids need taxpayer porn

Nine Years of Decline and Perversion in Dover

Does creepy Carolyn Mebert, Ward 3, School Board Chair, love porn? Since she’s been on the school board, over 110 sexually explicit books that were not here before, have been added to school libraries.

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Mental health anxiety depression Image by Josh Clifford from Pixabay

Dover “Career Day,” Where You Can Look for Opportunities To Become a Domestic Abuser, Rapist, Drug Addict, or Sex Worker.

Students in Dover, NH, have access to over 110 library books that feed young imaginations interested in careers in drug use, sex work, and sexual assault involving a minor. They’ve also got some how-to fiction on self-mutilation, suicide, child molestation, rape, explicit sexual battery, and graphic violence.

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COEXIST Bumper Stickers Come to Life … As Interfaith Opposition to Left-Wing Porn in Public Schools

Montgomery County Maryland Public Schools (a swanky DC suburb) have themselves a dilemma. The laws of the state and policies of the schools allow parents to exclude their children from objectionable lessons, but the district has decided to ignore the requests.

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Children rain boots

Porn in Schools Update: Six-Year-Old Girl Forced Under a Desk to Perform a Sex Act (While Another Student Records It)

Parents and taxpayers are fighting with local school districts to remove sexually explicit, age-inappropriate material from public schools. Why? Because some kids might get the idea that it is okay to force a 6-year-old girl to perform a sex act under a school desk while someone records it.

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Matt Mayberry

Matt Mayberry and Dirty Dover Perform Some “Tricks” They Say Are For Kids

On March 23, a clandestine book review committee met in the Communist City of Dover. There is supposedly a recording of the meeting, yet no one can access it. The agenda, time, and date were secret, and released to the Dover squad and the person filing the complaint a day prior.

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Governor Wentworth Regional School District

Bobbi Boudman and The Sexual Grooming of Our Very Young Children

This is an open letter to the citizens of the Governor Wentworth Regional School District concerning any potential, blatant pornography and grooming material that may be in our school libraries or online libraries.

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Dover school kids need taxpayer porn

Most of the “Porn” in the School Is Hetero – Pedo, Rape, Sodomy, Suicide, Self-Mutilation, and Substance Abuse

I have to say you couldn’t pay me enough to sit through the spectacle of the SB meetings, especially last night. Kudos for your resolve.

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beetles sex original Photo by Romi Yusardi on Unsplash

As Porn Piles Up In School Libraries, Parents are None the Wiser.

Back in the mid-70s there was an infamous XXX cult classic movie released called Debbie Does Dallas. It was hard, no pun intended, not to miss the billboard in front of the Newington NH XXX drive-in on rt 16. This movie was playing there for a long time. And made many returns.

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Teacher demeaning parents at school baord meeting

A Middle-School Teacher Calls Parents ‘Bigots’ And ‘Kooks’ For Voicing Concern Over Pornographic Material In Books

What we are seeing, in the Left-leaning teaching profession, is a complete disdain for Parents. They believe that Parents should have no role in the education of their children.

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