trump student Ciretta MacKenzie

GrokTV: MicroInterview – Ciretta MacKenzie

by Skip

While her Mom, Rose MacKenzie, may have started the evening, I did ask Mrs. MacKenzie for permission to interview her daughter, Ciretta, over this entire incident of the Epping High School Principal Brian Earnst (who has since apologize to Ciretta, the family, and the Epping community) telling Ciretta to either change her “Make America Great … Read more

GrokTV: Epping School Board Meeting – Rose MacKenzie

by Skip

I have to agree with Ann Marie – the evening meeting of the Epping School Board did NOT go as I had expected: boisterous, yelling, fingerpointing, partisanship, and the like. Neither did the other media outlets that were there. Why? I give credit to Rose MacKenzie, Ciretta’s mom.  She was the Guest of the School … Read more

Developing….Political Bias in Merrimack High School…Evolves

It may be too soon to tell for sure, but Monday was the day by which I wanted to hear about (or see) some changes in the way certain Merrimack High School teachers were favoring President Obama in class…and I have.

Not everyone has reported back yet but everything points to an effort at demonstrating some nonpartisan behavior.  Where there previously was just Obama, I am told there is now Obama and Romney.   Where this treatment was not possible, the pro-Obama messaging has, for the moment, been removed.  That was all I was looking for.  Some balance, and if that was not possible the absence of obvious bias, particularly in the instruction.

Will this first effort translate into more balanced classroom conversation lead by teachers with that previously obvious bias?

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A few Quick Points on a Monday Morning..

About that Debate?  Obama loses no matter what happens. An observation about Hillary taking responsibility for Benghazi….I bet Obama promised to nominate her to the Supreme Court in exchange if he is re-elected. (The only other thing I believe a Clinton covets more than being President.) And my spies are deployed to check the state … Read more

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