This week you will have four opportunities to help pass bills to protect New Hampshire women and children from the serious abuses of the trans cult.
Parental Rights Bill
Guy Who Denied Parents’ Rights Takes Out Full Page Ad Claiming He is a Parental Rights Advocate
Laconia Republican* Mike Bordes is not the best Republican. You could do better. His NH House Republican Alliance Score is 78%. His NH Liberty rating is a more disappointing 66%. In other words, he’s not the best Republican, but that’s not what concerns him.
Another NH Trans Rights Activist Loses His Lobbying Job After Behaving Badly
In May, Dominic Osmund, a paid lobbyist for 350NH, harassed me as I was handing out flyers in the NH State House to state reps, asking them to support a parental rights bill.
Aggressive Climate Justice Lobbyist Harasses and Obstructs Parental Rights Activist
On the morning of May 16, I was at the New Hampshire State House handing out flyers to state reps urging them to vote for SB272, the parental rights bill, on behalf of Cornerstone. There were people crowding the hallway that morning, and the majority were there to lobby against the parental rights bills.
Governor Sununu Institutionalized Social Emotional Learning in New Hampshire
The legislature never authorized Social Emotional Learning for NH public schools. Governor Sununu did it all on his own. Governor Sununu brought Social Emotional Learning (SEL) to New Hampshire and hired an SEL Program Director who reports to him, not the Department of Education:
Tell NH Governor Chris Sununu to Stop Gaslighting Us and Vetoing Good Bills
When he first ran for office in 2016, NH Governor Chris Sununu promised in a letter to pro-life voters that he would sign a bill to repeal the buffer zone law, and yet he recently said that he is planning to veto HB1625, the Sidewalk Free Speech Act which would repeal the buffer zone law.
HB1431 Parental Bill of Rights – WMUR’s Biased Coverage: JR Hoell Gets “Time Shafted”, and LGBT Advocate Chris Erchull hates Parents.
He wants to Get between Me and My Legal Son?? We on the Right know that WMUR’s coverage of most things is biased Left; sometimes very left. In their coverage of the Parental Bill of Rights (HB1431), they were the latter rather former (way Left instead of just Left). You can tell from how they … Read more