Urgent: Take Action on Four NH Bills to Protect Women and Children From the Trans Cult

This week you will have four opportunities to help pass bills to protect New Hampshire women and children from the serious abuses of the trans cult.

Related: NH Trans Rights Activists are Desperately Fighting to Stop the Tidal Wave of Bills to Protect Women and Children

On Monday, April 22 there will be hearings in the NH House Education Committee for Parental Rights Bill SB341, also known as the Honesty and Transparency in Education Act, at 10 am followed by Save Women’s Sports Bill SB375 at 10:45 am, both in the Legislative Office Building. The committee is scheduled to vote on these bills immediately after the hearings.

Take action TODAY on parental rights and to protect women’s sports.

  • Read SB341 here and SB375 here.
  • Sign in in support and optionally submit testimony for these bills here. [April 22, House Education, SB341 and SB375, I Support this Bill]
  • Come to the Legislative Office Building on Monday at 10 am to testify in person.

On Thursday, April 25 there will be hearings in the Senate Judiciary Committee for HB396 at 9 am, to allow the state to segregate by biological sex in prisons, sports, and places of intimate privacy, and HB619 at 9:15 am, to ban genital gender reassignment surgery for kids. Both hearings will be held in Room 100 of the New Hampshire State House.

Take action on women’s rights and to protect children from irreversible genital surgery.

You know how awful it has been for women and children under the tyranny of the trans cult. This is your chance to do something about it!

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