Federal Government Ambassador to New Hampshire Jeanne Shaheen (or is the more proper term, the older version of Satrap?) used her perch in the US Senate to override local voters and reverse the fiscal decisions of their duly elected representatives.
Nashua, NH Is Ignoring the Spending Cap Once Again
Nashua City Hall has decided to ignore the Spending Cap in regard to the proposed budget for next year.
Governor Gibraltar Smiles as the Storm Breaks Around Him
The New Hampshire legislature failed to override more than 4 dozen vetoes. The record number of vetoes is the byproduct of the arrogance and intolerance of Democrats.
John Kasich’s Gun Rights Veto Overridden by Ohio Legislature
On Christmas Eve we reported on Governor John Kasich’s veto of some bills including “gun-rights” legislation. Kasich was emphatic in his rejection. “If you think I’m going to sign a bill that gives more power to the gun folks, are you kidding me?” The State Legislature wasn’t kidding when they sent it to his desk. So … Read more
The difference between Socialism and Capitalism?
This Facebook comment left on my Notable Quote post on Capitalism being a moral system earned the right to be promoted – best explanation of socialism vs capitalism!
One reason Capitalism is superior, maybe the primary reason, is because it treats people better than Socialism. In Socialism, everyone is either a resource and/or just another mouth to feed…a burden. I’d rather be treated as a customer with others trying to figure out how to best satisfy my needs.
And this is exactly the point that most people miss – the whole point of the supply side of Capitalism is NOT to steal your money and be greedy rich – it doesn’t work that way even as the Left (and the MSM) try to portray it that way. They always seem to miss two very important points:
The Right to Opt Kids Out Of Assessments
We discuss the parental right to opt their children out of state-wide assessments. The NH Legislature meets on Wednesday to cast override votes on the Governors Vetoes, including a bill to secure those right.