The difference between Socialism and Capitalism?


This Facebook comment left on my Notable Quote post on Capitalism being a moral system earned the right to be promoted – best explanation of socialism vs capitalism!

One reason Capitalism is superior, maybe the primary reason, is because it treats people better than Socialism. In Socialism, everyone is either a resource and/or just another mouth to feed…a burden. I’d rather be treated as a customer with others trying to figure out how to best satisfy my needs.

And this is exactly the point that most people miss – the whole point of the supply side of Capitalism is NOT to steal your money and be greedy rich – it doesn’t work that way even as the Left (and the MSM) try to portray it that way.  They always seem to miss two very important points:

  • Capitalism is VOLUNTARY – the supplier makes no money from you unless they offer something you want – fulfilling, as Jess says, YOUR needs, not theirs.
  • Capitalism REMAINS voluntary – until Government steps in and makes it INvoluntary like the Obama Administration and the Democrats made it INvoluntary to not have health insurance.  Or Vicki Schwaegler (who will no longer be a NH state representative shortly as she lost her primary) forcing us all to pay higher electric bills by using her vote to override Gov. Chris Sununu’s veto on the biomass bill.

That bill, may I remind you, forces Eversource to pay higher than market price for electricity generated by inefficient and out-of-state owned wood chip plants. Some of which, in part, are fed by “sustainable harvesting” of crap wood from her family’s wooded lots. Let me also throw in the now infamous Tom “Axe the Tax” Thomson who was all in favor of this Crony Capitalism “electricity marketplace tax on the rest of us” to ensure money flowed into his pocket from “sustainable harvesting” of crap wood from his woodlots.

I dryly point out that he threatened to turn his holdings into house lots instead of keeping that land forested.  As if *I’d* object to that? This whole tax/electric payer boondoggle foisted upon us by the Legislature is because they want to help the North Country economically – you know, jobs?  What better way than to use his own woodlots to “you built that!” houses to lure people to come up North?

So in this case, Govt decided to treat us, via a vote, as mere resources for its own ends instead of considering our needs as customers.  Which brings me to this point:

Ayn Rand difference between Socialism and Communism

Like her or not, Ayn Rand nailed it and it certainly is applicable to this problem – the NH State Legislature decided that all of us are merely resource in this Corporate Welfare instance.

Land of the Free, anyone?



  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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