Who runs our K-12 education? Local and state government schools, right? It’s not capitalists, billionaires and bankers. It’s our government paid experts.
Bureaucracy Is Your Enemy … We Can Fix That
Our bureaucracies are unaccountable and unelected. They have come to view themselves as here before elected officials got here and staying when the elected officials leave.
The Scientific Value of Masks, Hiding, and Hand Wringing
The scientific value of mask hiding and hand wringing is diminishing. That’s right there’s a new study confirming it. The experts say if you hide in your basement and wash your hands incessantly while wearing a mask it increases your probability of becoming president. It does not however decrease your chances of getting the virus. … Read more
Does It Make Sense to Quarantine the Well?
New Hampshire does not seem to be asking itself the obvious question: Why does it make sense to quarantine the well? And emergency room doctors are being pressured to add coronavirus to death reports: Why is that? Is it in order to make the disease look worse than it really is?
So You Want to Submit to Islam…
If you want to submit to Islam, then you should know that Islam is an Arabic word. It Literally means submission. The “to who’ and ‘to what’ one must submit in Islam are the will and pleasure of Allah.
Government Bureaucrats Control Education
Government bureaucrats control public education. Are you one of the people who object to much of what goes on in government operated schools? Are you also willing to tolerate it because that’s where you property taxes go? It sure isn’t free… but it’s paid for. Would you rather have an extra car, a boat, vacation … Read more
From LA to NH The Educational-Industrial Complex is Driving us to Financial Ruin. Got that, Andru Volinsky?
This is a long post so IF you don’t have the time, scroll down to “SECOND START” and read from there. You’ll get a good analysis of how Andru Volinsky’s march towards a complete State of NH takeover of educational funding will affect you. First, a short snippet about the LA teachers strike to set … Read more
Redistribution: Helping the Poor
Why do Redistribution? A substantial amount of redistribution goes to the average Americans rather than the poor. Government redistribution programs are generally ineffective ways to provide benefits to the poor. They are designed to produce political support for the interest groups receiving the benefits from the programs. Think about Planned Parenthood. How does redistribution work? … Read more