Democrats are Still Colluding With Out-of-State Voters to Steal NH Elections

Burning USS Raleigh on NH State FlagThe State Supreme Court has ruled (in its analysis of HB1264, which the governor then signed yesterday) that out-of-state college students do not have more rights than actual citizens of New Hampshire. They are not entitled to a special exclusion from the responsibilities actual residents accept including registering vehicles in the Granite State or obtaining a New Hampshire driver’s license. And asking these things of them is not a poll tax.

This is as it should be but New Hampshire Democrats have been stealing elections from Granite Staters for years and in spite of the court’s opinion they are ramping up to try and rob you of at least one more.

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So College Kids Should Be Allowed to Vote In NH, Even if They never Went to College in NH?

VVote From Here - No Matter Where you live!
Vote In NH – No Matter Where you really live!

Meet Emanuel Yekutiel.  Emanuel left Los Angeles, where his parents live, to go to College in Massachusetts.  According to Ed Naile at NH Insider, Emanuel is listed as living at 33 Stetson Ct., Williamstown, Ma. 01267.

But in 2012 he voted from 3 Woodley Rd in Lebanon New Hampshire, more than 100 miles away from his address in Massachusetts.

Could it be that having been employed in the service of the Obama For America office at 85 Mechanic Street in Lebanon could have played a role in his choice of polling places?

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How About a Cocktail Tax?

Binge_Drinking_College_Students_HAPPIER_Study_A social services advocacy group called New Futures recently promoted a study that suggested a cost recovery tax per drink on all cocktails in New Hampshire.  They (or the study they promoted) claim that excessive drinking costs the state as much as 1.15 billion per year.  The tax could/would, help offset those costs.

New Hampshire has a large percentage of the population that drinks alcohol but the primary source of the expense appears to be binge drinking, which I have discovered is another moving target on the social sciences spectrum.  According to the CDC, binge drinking (for women) was recently changed–for reporting purposes–to four or more drinks on any one occasion.

That’s like calling binge-shopping visiting four or more stores on any one occasion.  Women can sit and talk for hours making four drinks more like one per hour, which in the real world is called “nursing.”

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Are We at Their “Collective” Mercy?

The State Constitution says that you must be domiciled in New Hampshire to vote here.

The legal definition of domicile is your residence.  By law you can only have one of these.

But Judge Lewis allowed the ACLU’s “love the one you are with” definition of domicile to supersede the common law definition.  Anyone can claim to live here to vote without having to so for any other purpose.   Until that is resolved there is nothing ‘technically’ illegal about it; this ruling is, as I have said before, legalizing the theft of elections for the purpose of indefinite one-party rule.

It is, for all intents and purposes, the tyranny of factionalism we were long ago warned about.  It is a sanctioned left wing mob complete with the potential for a perennial lynching at the ballot box.

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You Want The Truth? You Can’t Handle The Truth!

Ballot-BoxComments are often a great source of amusement, and often suitable for follow up material.  In this instance, in response to my post about Legally stealing elections with out of state voters who just happen to be in New Hampshire, an anonymous commenter using the handle “Speak the Truth” suggested that we just let it go.

Move On. We have an enormous task in front of us – “we” have to EDUCATE the public with the TRUTH. “Dumb cannot be solved with Dumber”


Here is my response,  some “education” about why we can’t move on…

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