Remember, This Non-Domiciled Campaign Worker Voted in NH Twice

In November 2020, Rich Girard turned into the NH AG’s Office three vote thieves he and I caught in Manchester. These were three out-of-state campaign workers staying on Walnut St. with a short-term lease suited for the campaign they were working on.

They had no furniture to speak of, just clothing and laptops. Their cars were registered out of state the entire time they were here.

One laughable response from the NH AG’s Elections Whitewash Division is here for you to read:


Vote Fraud AG Response


The persons responsible for letting three out of state campaign professionals steal your vote are:

Gov. Chris Sununu
NH AG John Formella
Elections Unit Nick Chon Yen
Investigator Dick Tracey

There was no real investigation.

NH Laws regarding vehicle registration were ignored.

Evidence of the campaign workers’ intent to become NH residents was not sought.

Related: Where Did Our Three “New” Manchester New Hampshire Voters Go?

Just because these three Democrat campaign workers had a place to stay is not proof of domicile.

The old Assistant AG Bud Fitch’s excuse for letting out-of-state campaign workers steal votes was “they established a presence,” which does not pass the smell test because you need to establish a DOMICILE to vote in NH. And one must abandon the previous domicile.

There is zero proof any of the three campaign workers did so or intended to.

Here is a simple test:

Did any of the out-of-state campaign workers submit NY or Mass. state income taxes for the time they were in NH? Since they kept NY and Mass. driver’s licenses, they were required to file.

Investigator Dick Tracey could have asked each state for that info, and his boss, Nick Chong Yen, could have required him to do so.

Here are some questions for Investigator Tracey:

Could any of the three campaign workers have served on a jury in NH?

Are their names off the juror’s wheel for jury selection? Citizens are required by law to serve on a jury what notified. But if you don’t have an NH driver’s license, how would you serve or get picked other than being on a voter checklist?

Could the campaign workers register a pet or get any NH license that a real citizen needs?

In effect, your sloppy, insufficient investigation proves the three campaign workers were never citizens, and the NH Elections Unit serves only to protect out-of-state campaign workers associated with the Democrat Party.

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