Janice Rottenberg and Lisa Behrens’ Excellent Vote Stealing Adventure…Continues

If you thnk lrtting proplr from out of state Vote in NH if OK youre Gonna have a bad timeEd pointed out last night that Janice Rottenberg had voted in New Hampshire in 2012 (from the home of Democrat Finance committee chair Cindy Rosenwald’s 101 Wellington Street Nashua home).  Rottenberg has now turned up in Virginia voting in June 2013, just a few months after voting in New Hampshire, and not long after the NH AG clarified that vote-fraud was legal in New Hampshire as long as you demonstrate some intent to establish domicile (driving thru NH has been confirmed as adequate “intent to establish domicile” for voting purposes).

We’ve made it clear, with these things called facts, that the intent of Rottenberg and dozens of other Drive-Thru Democrat operatives is to steal votes in elections, including those held in New Hampshire.  Maybe not just New Hampshire.

Janice Rotternberg voted using Cindy Rosewald’s address in Nashua in NOv 2012.

Janice Rottenberg voted in Virgina in June 2013 from 1111 Army Navy Drive (unit 1427)  in Arlington VA.

Lisa Behrens who also resided (or resides) at 1111 Army Navy Drive (unit1427) was also in Nashua New Hampshire with Janice Rottenberg when Janice stole your vote in 2012.  We are looking into whether Lisa also stole a vote, which would be interesting because Lisa Behrens is from York, England.

Lisa Behrens has also done us the favor of leaving her resume online, screen captured in two parts, below.

On it you will find her phone number in the UK.  Her education history- University of Sheffield, University of Amsterdam, University of Liverpool (with one semester at the University of Illinois Chicago).

Lisa Beherns Resume part i

When Mz Behrens lists her experience  she does not include hel;ping Democrats stealvotes from actual Nashua residents specifically, but working for OFA-NH covers it.

We should add Lisa Behrens to the international OFA-NH vote fraud crowd that includes Daniel Barluscke (Berlin Germany) and Melissa Shohet (American Student in Canada–not from New Hampshire, who voted from Asst NH AG’s home and also worked for McAullif in VA.)

Lisa and Janice exit New Hampshire promptly after the Nov election (as ws their intent) and appear in Virginia at the same address at which Rottenberg stole a vote in that state. Lisa Beherns Resume part ii(Primary vote has been confirmed–general election vote in VA is being scrounged up but we are certain she voted then as well.)


You will notice that Mz Behrens was in charge of getting the vote out in two Nashua Wards.

She has not updated her resume with the vote stealing time in Virgina for McAuliff, but she does include Banks Stearns which provides global meeting management services.  Who’d be surprised if that company had ties to the vote stealers in the Democrat party as well?

So where was I?

What was that argument about intent again?  And how long before the actual residents in New Hampshire rise up against this absurd excuse for letting anyone who knocks on the door decide who represents us and how they spend our tax dollars–with the help of the NH AG’s office?

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