
CNN Erases Women

CNN referred to “individuals with a cervix” in a tweet about new guidelines for cervical cancer screenings, and nowhere in the CNN article linked to by the tweet does the author even once refer to women. CNN completely erases women from an article about women’s health.

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SJWs – Holding student grades over a statue; er, about that Power Imbalance they keep yammering about?

by Skip

It is the end of the semester; my students did their final semester project Presentation and last night I finished up with the giving them their final grades.  One more “activity” done – six still left on the plate but this really will free up a lot of time (about a day to 2 days a week). Another month and one more will be done as well (but much less time has been spent on that this year).  So, in surfing around, it looks like others are also tallying up their students’ grades – and one set of SJWs are looking to use their students’ grades as a political cudgel (translation: no boundaries in conducting political warfare and it doesn’t matter who they hurt; reformatted, emphasis mine):

Teaching assistants at the University of North Carolina have threatened to hold up to 2,200 grades if school officials do not reconsider their plan for the controversial “Silent Sam” statue. This past Monday, UNC officials announced the memorial to Confederate soldiers would be housed in a new campus facility. That evening, protesters took to the streets to voice their displeasure. On Friday, activists announced online that 79 teaching assistants had signed a petition in opposition to the Silent Sam plan, and indicated they would “withhold [the] grades” if Chancellor Carol Folt and the UNC Board of Trustees did not relent.

I believe that the operative word is extortion – and they should be legally treated as extortionists!  All over the “Silent Sam” (an unknown Confederate soldier) statue that was toppled by student / SJW vandals because SLAVERY!  Anything they deem to be “wrong” must be destroyed, erased, and thrown down the Memory Hole – not just put somewhere else.

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RRftSotRP – I get stuff. Last lesson: “Unity! Voters!”. Yeah, “unity” – sure thing

by Skip

RRftSotRP Missive - back - 600 Part 3

Oft time the NH GOP rails against folks like we Groksters because we “upset the apple cart”.  For instance, as Steve reminded us (recently), the current NH GOP Chair said this about we bloggers at GraniteGrok back in 2013:

He told me that he was not going to waste his time discussing the vote with me. Oh yeah … and he also said that people who blog are those who are “ruining” the party.

I riffed off his post soon after with this: “And his main point – why are bloggers out on point instead of the the NH GOP?

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