PART 2 – In other words, Democrat leaning Students gather to whine that everyone else isn’t paying their tuitions

Part 2 – The full fisking of that “N.H. youth fighting for college affordability“. By the time I was done reading it and writing that comment, I was mad, to be perfectly honest. The lead paragraphs (reformatted, emphasis mine): The New Hampshire Youth Table, which is made up of members from the New Hampshire Young Democrats, … Read more

In other words, Democrat leaning Students gather to whine that everyone else isn’t paying their tuitions – Part 1

This post started out as a simple comment at the Nashua Telegraph “N.H. youth fighting for college affordability“. By the time I finished reading the article and leaving this comment, I was mad as all get out.  However, because Steve is telling me to write short, this will be Part 1 and the full fisking … Read more


What the Hell are We Doing?

by Rebecca Bailey It’s no wonder that almost 6,175 people voted in Hanover and 2,590 in Plymouth a vast majority being democrats leading to losses for County seats and executive council. (see quote below and view the link provided) Meanwhile, we the Grafton County and State Republicans, have in-fighting over ridiculous issues. We hang onto … Read more

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